
  1. Metribolone

    Tren forever

    Viewing another thread where someone was running tren for years; I was wondering how feasible is running tren at low doses forever? I’m talking like trt+. If someone were to do their normal trt and add 25-50mg a tren a week, what do you think would happen? What would happen to health? What...
  2. The Inedible Bulk

    What ten SARM cycles can do for your body

    Before: [/IMG] After: I'm very impressed. Almost two years, and *10* SARM cycles(Osta, LGD and RAD), and he appears to be the exact same size. What's even more amazing is he's trying to affiliate market this stuff. When he himself is living proof that SARMS won't get you anywhere...
  3. J

    The ULTIMATE peptide free 16 week summer cycle. With progress log.

    Hello all, I'm starting my cycle for the summer starting the first of May. The schematics of my cycle will log as follows--- Week 1-16 Test e at 250 mg a week separated into two shots. Also, I will be adding .5 ml of test prop with every scheduled masteron/tren pin as in my experience, there's...
  4. Beardedlifter

    Solid results from Super Mandro?

    So I'm having a hard time finding a good source so I went the prohormones route this time. I've used prohormones numerous times in the past, but I've never tried Andro. Anyone here ever use it? How were your gains?
  5. FutureMrO

    How longs a test e vial last

    Iv got 2 test e vials they're 10ml 250mg I'm doing 500 a week 2cc how many weeks will It last? 5 weeks?
  6. jaymaximus

    Help Jay Max decide

    I'm going to be moving soon and it's either going to be Seattle/Tacoma area or Colorado Springs, Co. Either one will only be for 6 - 9 months. I dont have much experience with any of these places. Anyone who lives there are has been, what do you think?