
  1. Powerlift12

    Did my physio injure me?

    Hi guys, I currently have a few injuries that I see a physio for. We mainly do deep tissue work focusing on my hip flexors, glutes, adductors and calves + stretching. 2 weeks ago I came in for my regular session. We did the usual except with the addition of some dry needling. I had needles all...
  2. Jamie Sutherland

    How to: Not tear my glutes to shreds (Self glute injections)

    Hey people, Was just wondering if anyone had any good advice for self glute injections. I'm completely new to the whole AAS world. I've just started my first ever cycle (test cyp only 500mg/wk). I've only pinned once so far which was in my right glute. I plan to alternate between each glute...
  3. P

    Persistent glute issue whilst squatting and deadlifting

    So 1 year ago this month I started having this problem whilst squatting and deadlifting. On the upward movement of squat and the lockout of the deadlift I get this sharp pain in my right glute, the pain increases exponentially with weight e.g 60kg squat - not bad, 100kg - slight discomfort...
  4. TuTriX31

    Daily First Cycle Thread

    Hey guys, I'm aware these posts are a constant stream but I wanted to check my planning and make sure I'm set before diving into my first cycle. I'd appreciate your input. Planning a 12 week test e cycle at 500mg injected twice a week. During my cycle I'm going to be running tamoxifen (20mg...
  5. S

    Glute injection

    hey, im going to pin for my first time in glute and need some info, i have pinned myeself in quad. and my guy said 21g 1 1/2 is what they use for glutes so i ordered it, and i got it today, i was looking at it and thinking jesus this needle is huge and must hurt alot, i also got 23g 1 1/4...