
  1. A

    HGH for Distal Bicep Tendon Rupture

    gents, tore my bicep distal tendon and had surgery 30 days ago. did some research on GH and tendon repair and decided I want some to aid recovery. Did not do deep enough research initially, ended up in the Napsgear trap and ordered a single kit. while it was on the way i researched some more...
  2. Z

    What generics that are comparable to pharma/GMP-quality HGH?

    Hi, so you all probably know in 2017 or 2018 TP replaced his old greys lowkey with a new different greytop. I'm trying to find a generic brand that's comparable to those "old greys" from TP. Mind if ya'll lead me to some sources with high purity and zero/almost zero dimer? It can cost 250 a...
  3. Alexroid - EU HGH - Roids

    Big Hello to the community of Meso Rx. I would like to introduce our operations here. My will call myself Alex, I will represent our company Our main business is wholesale and semi-wholesale distribution of some of the most well-known steroid brands, for EU based...
  4. CrazeeFrazee

    HGH Greytops 1100iu

    11 boxes of 100iu each. Can't wait to start! 4iu 5on/2off.