
  1. A

    Help, fainting during injection

    Today I took my first injection ever of sustanon 250, from a reputable UK UGL. I took this intramuscularly via my glute, once I got about 1ml in after a minute of injecting slowly with a 21g needle, I felt a tingling starting from my stomach, moving up to my chest. After this I decided to...
  2. Big Gucci Sosa

    The effect of Oxandrolone on injury healing

    As I assume many of you know the positive effect anavar has on healing skin in burn victims, at a therapeutic dose of 20mg a day. This has been proven in multiple human studies conducted over the years. There was also a rat study conducted where they looked at the wound healing effect anavar has...
  3. A

    HGH for Distal Bicep Tendon Rupture

    gents, tore my bicep distal tendon and had surgery 30 days ago. did some research on GH and tendon repair and decided I want some to aid recovery. Did not do deep enough research initially, ended up in the Napsgear trap and ordered a single kit. while it was on the way i researched some more...
  4. J

    IGF1-LR3 and Nolvadex Question?

    I recently got my hands on 2 vials of IGF-LR3. I tore my bicep and tricep tendon. So, I bought some CJC w DAC, BPC-157, TB-500, and IGF-LR3. I used the first vial of the LR3 and it was amazing. I originally bought the LR3 for muscle growth. But, I tore my tendons and decided to still use the...
  5. InjuredGorilla

    Neck and fron shoulder pain for months ! please advice

    So about 3 months ago i was in the sauna and hot-tub for a solid 2 hours i think and then i went out to the cold too fast with a t-shirt. any way since then my neck is cramped and it seems he gives me front shoulder pain. Im doing PT and chrio and nothing helps its crazy ! when i bend my head...
  6. InjuredGorilla

    How many of you suffer from shoulders problems?

    As the title suggests, I’m dealing with shoulder problems since forever even before training and gym life. And obviously with hard training they just got worse, now I’m on a “run” with shoulder problem both sides for the past 3-4 months, which pretty much consistent on bicep tendinitis that...
  7. Hadron

    First cycle for injury?

    So I’m fresh off of TRT because the clinic I went to doubled their rates. It was flat out too expensive so I’ll be doing it myself for 1/4 or less the cost. Pretty sure they water down their stuff anyway. I’m looking to add something to it for a bit to help with a back injury. It isn’t skeletal...
  8. Gbaby12

    Herniated disc training routine

    My last thread went from planning a competition prep for next year to discovering I have very bad degenerative disc disease as well as 2 slipped L4-L5 disc's. The doctor told me I will never be able to do a squat or deadlift again, or any sort of olympic/powerlifts, also told me to not lift...
  9. M

    Will Deca Give Me Relief?

    I need some direction. I’m currently 47 years old, and after a trip to Asia in 2016 the tendons all over my body are becoming extremely week. I’m assuming some sort of hard to detect autoimmune disease. I basically get hurt very easily and then I never heal. No one can figure out what’s going...
  10. Bodybuilder26

    Neck pain that radiates to left shoulder/arm

    Haven't even touched weights in like 3 months due to busy schedule so I can't say its a recent injury but I have had problems for years. Pain starts in the neck and radiates to left side through the shoulder and arm. any of you experience this before? anything that helps? Thx!!
  11. X

    HGH for chronic back pain/disk degeneration?

    Hello, I'm a 30yr old woman and have had some persistent problems with few of my discs/vertebrae, seems there has been some trauma to it due to sports or some injury, but I don't recall what in particular could have done that and no doctor has told me anything too useful besides having some...
  12. AlphaPitTD

    Help Diagnosing Hamstring Injury (first hand experience)

    So yesterday i was deadlifting doing my warm up sets when i got to 455lbs and was going to bust it out for a quick 3 then move up. I felt strong as hell and was going to go over 100lbs heavier than that. Looking back i feel like a total dipshit because i havent deadlifted in 6 months and im...
  13. George Twain

    First Cycle: Test-E: 400mg/HgH: 4Iu. Seeking Advice or Concerns.

    Hi all, I am looking at doing my first cycle. First, a brief background and reasons for using PED. I am an ex-athlete and have been dealing with nagging injuries for the better part of 4 years, while also struggling to stay in shape as the injuries are quite demotivating (I sprained my ankle...
  14. Powerlift12

    Did my physio injure me?

    Hi guys, I currently have a few injuries that I see a physio for. We mainly do deep tissue work focusing on my hip flexors, glutes, adductors and calves + stretching. 2 weeks ago I came in for my regular session. We did the usual except with the addition of some dry needling. I had needles all...
  15. B

    Torn Oblique Recovery

    I wanted to share my experience so far. 7 weeks ago I was involved in a car accident, guy blew a red light and hit us. Luckily I did have my seat belt on and wasn't ejected from the vehicle. I ended up having emergency surgery that night as I had a torn oblique from the iliac crest and also...
  16. M

    Supplements for disc injury

    Suffered a disc injury about 3 years ago and have been on and off dealing with the repercussions. Had a solid year of training under my belt and then everything went to hell last May. Haven't been able to get back anywhere to where my numbers were. I've cycled on/off var during training and...
  17. P

    Persistent glute issue whilst squatting and deadlifting

    So 1 year ago this month I started having this problem whilst squatting and deadlifting. On the upward movement of squat and the lockout of the deadlift I get this sharp pain in my right glute, the pain increases exponentially with weight e.g 60kg squat - not bad, 100kg - slight discomfort...
  18. mudbutt22

    Anateaus Labs Achilles

    Just wondering if anyone on meso had any feedback on this? Ingredients are unfamiliar to me and they're a lot different than your typical joint health support. It also claims to help tendon/ligament health as well which is the main reason I'm using it. I have some very nasty...
  19. M

    SLAP Tear in Right Shoulder

    As I was preparing to go on my first cycle I have a small accident where I happened to tear my labrum, get fusion fluid in the area & a small cyst. Long story short I fell & broke my fall with my arm, no dislocation just severe pain. Got X-rays & an MRI only to find this out, now I'm being told...
  20. mudbutt22

    Chest Exercises with bum shoulder

    Anyone have any chest exercises that someone can do with an injured shoulder? I have a shoulder injury that's left me unable to to any pressing movements. Dumbbell flys are painful as well. Cables aren't too bad though. Any suggestions? I've been able to find workarounds for every muscle group...