
  1. Bradybomb

    Does t3 at night affect your sleep?

    I’ve heard that taking t3 at night could affect your sleep as thyroid hormone is stimulating in certain environments, however I am not sure if night time environment would apply. Whenever I take more than 25mcg of t3 I split the dosage and I have never noticed a change in sleep. Have any of you?
  2. Zro5696

    Cut cycle help

    So I’m an intermediate to advanced gear user and I’m wondering about if I need to take any kind of AI at all I got just about every one you can think of. But my cycle so far looks like this Test E 500mg EW 2X 250mg Monday/Thursday Mast E 400mg EW 2X 200mg Monday/Thursday Anavar 50mg ED Weeks...
  3. T

    T-3 liothyronine liquid recipe?

    Making a batch for myself, just want to be 100% sure that I get this right the first time as I "only" have 1g of powder and I live in a place where it's very hard to get even that. So don't want to spoil it. So my question; what's a good recipe and solvent(s) to use? Please note, I can't get...