low sperm

  1. M

    Suggestions about Clomid after azoospermia

    I would like to receive some suggestions from you! I developed azoospermia after 3 months with ONLY Testo Enanthate 250mg/week. I always had an excellent spermiogram, but everything changed after only three months, so I stopped taking testosterone and I started taking 25mg of clomid every day...
  2. H

    Testicles desensitised due to HCG blast (low sperm volume, weak erection)

    My cycle history is a 12 week cycle of just test e in 2014 and in 2015. I had my serum test levels checked after both cycles: After 1st cycle (24/07/14): 21nmol/L After 2nd cycle (08/06/15): 17nmol/L I had in my head I had not fully recovered so last month after some research I started a...