Suggestions about Clomid after azoospermia


New Member
I would like to receive some suggestions from you!

I developed azoospermia after 3 months with ONLY Testo Enanthate 250mg/week.
I always had an excellent spermiogram, but everything changed after only three months, so I stopped taking testosterone and I started taking 25mg of clomid every day.
After a month and half, I got my blood tests done again and finally LH and FSH seemed to be raised (I had FSH and LH equal to zero during the three months with testo)! So I took another spermiogram few weeks ago and now I have 2 millions of sperms with a good motility.

It is very low sperm count, but at least, I'm not azoospermic anymore.

Since I need to get my wife pregnant (we lose our baby few months ago and now we want to have another baby), I asked my doctor how to speed up the process and he told me to switch to Clomid 50mg every day for three additional months.

Do you think it can be dangerous to take such a high dose of Clomid? I took 25mg/day of clomid since two months at the moment.

Can the pituitary gland get desensibilized if Clomid is used for such a long period (2 + 3 months)?
I'm out of my element advising on your condition... however, I found this article interesting:
My mind goes to HCG
Thank you a lot for your support and your answer.

I would like to avoid to use hCG since this would inhibit me again while I would like to stay "natural".
I understand, but not agree totally, I said, I'm not an endocrinologist:eek:
How was this developed again? Curious to research azoospermia though.
I still can't understand how just three months with only 250mg testo enanthate gave me azoospermia. Before this events, my spermiogram was PERFECT.
I really hope things will be restored and at the same time I'm worried about the long use of clomid even if my doctor told me that it is safe to use clomid even for long time.
Hcg and rFsh or hmg is the way to go in my opinion if cost is not a problem and after that you can do a standard pct if wife already pregnant.
Clomid is used for this and for long times if i remember correctly but comes with side effects emotional and vision also.
Sorry for your loss there are two guys i know here that are very educated on hormones maybe they can help you better than us
Hcg and rFsh or hmg is the way to go in my opinion if cost is not a problem and after that you can do a standard pct if wife already pregnant.
Clomid is used for this and for long times if i remember correctly but comes with side effects emotional and vision also.
Sorry for your loss there are two guys i know here that are very educated on hormones maybe they can help you better than us
Thanks, I have opinions on this but I am not comfortable giving medical advice beyond PED use (how to use them responsibly and without as much possible damage).
Is @Michael Scally MD around the neighborhood still?
Thanks, I have opinions on this but I am not comfortable giving medical advice beyond PED use (how to use them responsibly and without as much possible damage).
Is @Michael Scally MD around the neighborhood still?
I did not see him post in a while .
There are fertility protocols on the forum for sure.
I think they work for most people that tried it.
I keep thinking OP maybe had a preexisting issue or issues for 250mg/WK 12 weeks to set this off? Dunno, gonna read up some just for curiosity sake
I keep thinking OP maybe had a preexisting issue or issues for 250mg/WK 12 weeks to set this off? Dunno, gonna read up some just for curiosity sake
He said his wife was pregnant before so who knows.
For most people i know its reversible, most if not all mister Olympia winners have children.
I keep thinking OP maybe had a preexisting issue or issues for 250mg/WK 12 weeks to set this off? Dunno, gonna read up some just for curiosity sake
No issues, I had several spermiograms during past years and also a supermiogram just two months before starting 250mg/week testo and the results were excellent! I had a perfect sperms motility and over 40 millions of good sperms. My system was working great before taking the testo.

By the way, at the moment, I'm not having any side effects from clomid. I had my blood tests and my testo is at 6 ng/ml and my LH at about 6 and fsh at 3.5 with 25mg/day of clomid and after one month and half.

My doctor suggested me to go with 50mg/day clomid for three other months or 25mg a day and 50mg the day after and so on.

Moreover, the doctor told me that he would avoid hmg since it is something "chemical" and he is more to "clean" the system. He told me that we could try HCG after three months, but I can't wait so long.

However, he already gave me HCG on october, 1000UI/week for a month plus 25mg clomid every other day and when I had the blood tests the LH and FSH were still zero, so he suggested to suspend HCG and go only with clomid every day. By using only clomid, fortunately the FSH and the LH raised again.

The question is: will my sperms quality increase during next weeks or will stay low like now? The doctor didnt answer my question clearly. He just told me that it takes three months to see the results of the therapy.

Sorry for the long post.
Its takes 3 months for sperm to its normal that your not back where you where after 6 weeks
Just take 25 or 50 mg clomid ed and do a new semun check after 2 or 3 months

Dont take hcg without hmg
Thank you!

So, do you think that I could safely switch to 50mg every day for other three months? Honestly, I had no problems till now with 25mg/day and I was doing 25mg a day and 50mg the day after and so on since one week, but if it's safe, I would switch to 50mg/day every day.

My doctor said that it is possible to go with assisted fertilization even with 2 millions of sperms (like I have now), but I would consider it as last option.
Yes 50 is save but even when you just quit everthing you get back spermcount you had before you use the 250 mg test just give it some time....
Thank you! So, I'll switch to 50mg of Clomid starting from tomorrow morning (I usually take clomid with during breakfast). I hope to get back my spermcount naturally, but the problem is that at the moment I can't quit everything and wait 6 months to get my system restored since my wife is very depressed during this period and I really need to be able to make her pregnant.
Check sperm over 8 weeks again i think i will improve

Try you let your wife to calm down in the situation...if she wants its to match i doesn't make things easyer