Junk MENT/ possible nonresponder?

literally end of week 2 today. - took adex last night feeling good today no scale change but head throbs on and off are gone end of week 3 e2 should be under control with 2mg adex pw.

now i normally dont need any e2 management until test hits 1g+ sides are generally bp and water bloat. never had gyno issues but have ralox on hand and letro, asin and using adex as my prefered ai.

ment is potent strong and estrogen conversion monster this is hplc raws @ 98%.
How much test with that 25mg/day of Ment
Man have some common sense. Not knowledge but at least common sense.
Read again your first post and chew on what the question was and it what context.

If you want a underwear model body do one hour of cardio a day,eat a low calorie diet and stay on trt and a oral once in a while. Don't need more as those guys aren't synonym with muscle and aas
so did you end up feeling it or what. Ment doesn’t really do much for me 4 weeks in. gonna switch back to the true and tested Test.
Ment never affects my e2 or prolactin though I do get gyno just like any 19-nor (maybe even more). I do manage my e2 with a DHT though.

About a week in I can kinda notice, 2 weeks in is when I really notice.

Ment isn't like tren where you definitely notice. The only thing I really notice about ment is that it makes me hornier. Otherwise I don't get any sort of mental sides or anything.

But that's also at 350mgwk (50mg/day). I don't think I'd notice 10mg a day, that's like a trt without test cruise or like, if you maybe wanted a boost in libido for lifestyle or something.

If you want something you feel, do tren. Or you know, enjoy the fact you don't feel it, that's supposed to be a plus...

It does bloat you but then again I really just run it on bulks with 700mg test so that could largely be diet.