If that is your experience then I would recommend a new Doctor. I have established a relationship with mine, and while he may disapprove of somethings, He would certainly stay professional and allow me my own autonomy while remaining a great Dr. I wouldn't jeopardize my safety or health due to my Dr's outlook on aas. I'd find a more professional Dr.
I lost the rose colored glasses regarding doctors long ago, over many experiences.
If you go to your doctor and say:
"I'm concerned my blood pressure is high"
They will take the basic steps to diagnose that you do have high BP, and after reviewing your existing meds via a system that ensures no negative interactions. they'll issue a prescription for whatever they think is appropriate.
If you say, "I use steroids. Here's a list of the illegal compounds I use made in underground labs, along with the various ancillary drugs I take along with them."
99% of doctors are going to be completely unfamiliar with steroids and the complex interplay between them and your biology. They are certainly not going to delve into this complex subject even most endocrinologists are ill educated on.
So when you then go to them with:
"My blood pressure is high and I'm concerned."
Since they have zero experience with the complex cocktail of underground hormones you're using, they are not going to throw caution and their medical license to the wind by issuing you a med when for all they know there might be a deadly reaction with something you're already taking. And since they document everything, their malpractice insurance won't cover any drug interaction harms resulting from them treating you after knowing this, because in court, the first thing a lawyer will ask when their client sues after having a stroke is "You have no experience or training in anabolic steroids and yet you issued the patient that medication?".
So while you and I know a BP med is not going to lead to disaster, what you're most likely to hear in response to "Treat my **whatever* is: "Stop using those steroids first, they're likely causing the problem.".
Unless you think your doctor will suddenly be motivated to educate themselves on a complex subject when most don't even have the basics of testosterone down.