Ment never affects my e2 or prolactin though I do get gyno just like any 19-nor (maybe even more). I do manage my e2 with a DHT though.
About a week in I can kinda notice, 2 weeks in is when I really notice.
Ment isn't like tren where you definitely notice. The only thing I really notice about ment is that it makes me hornier. Otherwise I don't get any sort of mental sides or anything.
But that's also at 350mgwk (50mg/day). I don't think I'd notice 10mg a day, that's like a trt without test cruise or like, if you maybe wanted a boost in libido for lifestyle or something.
If you want something you feel, do tren. Or you know, enjoy the fact you don't feel it, that's supposed to be a plus...
It does bloat you but then again I really just run it on bulks with 700mg test so that could largely be diet.