Anabolic Steroids & Kidney

'I work on cruise ships so I have limited access to food so protein powders are something I will never be able to avoid.'
Just curious if there's sustainable protein you could knock down quickly or on the fly like tuna (I am annoyed I don't enjoy it or similar things like sardines so I snack various nuts throughout my shift or whatever) if I'm out of bounds my bad just had the thought

I am looking for "astragalus" due to its many beneficial properties for the kidneys, but I am having trouble finding a brand in Europe that works. Most recommendations are for "The Vitamin Shoppe" and "Gorilla Mind," but I don't have access to these supplements. I would be grateful if someone could recommend another brand.

'I work on cruise ships so I have limited access to food so protein powders are something I will never be able to avoid.'
Just curious if there's sustainable protein you could knock down quickly or on the fly like tuna (I am annoyed I don't enjoy it or similar things like sardines so I snack various nuts throughout my shift or whatever) if I'm out of bounds my bad just had the thought
Do you have access to a fridge? You could stock up on Greek yogurt, which has 25 g of protein per cup.
'I work on cruise ships so I have limited access to food so protein powders are something I will never be able to avoid.'
Just curious if there's sustainable protein you could knock down quickly or on the fly like tuna (I am annoyed I don't enjoy it or similar things like sardines so I snack various nuts throughout my shift or whatever) if I'm out of bounds my bad just had the thought
Yes, there is some crap tuna they provide during lunch but is really bad, I was usually buying eat outside instead to have it in case there is nothing good or clean to eat.
It sounds like you're navigating a tricky situation with limited access to food while working on cruise ships.
Tuna and nuts are solid choices for quick protein, but if you're open to alternatives, you might explore portable options like jerky or protein bars. They're convenient and can provide a quick protein boost on the fly, helping you stay fueled during your shifts.
In the meantime, I recently stumbled upon an offer to buy steroids with a credit card. I think it might seem convenient. Still, exploring other options for boosting your performance and recovery might be worth considering