Anabolic Steroids & Kidney

I started using Astragalus Extract, NAC, Glutathione and NAD+ (IV drip) over a year ago and my blood work did a 180 from where it was. The Astragalus I found really helped regulate my liver enzymes on cycle. Plus its very cheap compared to some of my other supplements.
This is Great news - You found the Astragalus really helped with Liver values then? It tastes like a dogs arse but hopefully if it helps then who cares Lol
Well, one was a blood test, and the other was a piss test.

You are comparing apples and oranges.

Did you ever go do another blood test to see whether your eGFR on the blood test improved at all?
You picked up any more tricks for bringing down GFR and Creatinine levels mate? :-)
I have been seeing a Nephrologist ever since a bad blood test last year. I am 48. I went due to some peripheral edema in my calves that just appeared one day. Diagnosed with permanent kidney damage..GFR down to 38. And creatinine all fucked up...spilling protein...among other issues.. Dr. told me the damage from 25+ years of juicing is not going to improve and that all we could hope for is for my function
not to decline further. BP meds, dietary and training changes were implemented. Sonograms, and more testing....I was very concerned and thought I was pretty much done with this lifestyle I have always loved...and possibly heading for dialysisin the future. I am on Dante Trudel's Facebook and he did a big write up on Astralagus and kidney functions..specifically GFR. I have used his training methods/advice in the past with great success so I tried it. Results are GFR (true with urinalysis not estimated) 68!!! ALL other kidney markers vastly improved as well. Nephro was in disbelief and very interested in what I have been doing. He now wants to investigate this herb further. I told him bodybuilders have always been ahead of the medical community in what works in the real world. Sorry for the long post but I really think we ALL should consider making this part of our daily regimen if we are consistently using gear. I only wish I could go back in time.
I am sorry to hear about your problems, but this is what I was looking for.

When on my next cycle, I’m going to take Astralagus, Krill Oil, TUCDA, Milk Thistle, Red Yeast Rice, Citrus Bergamot and some other stuff to help.
I am sorry to hear about your problems, but this is what I was looking for.

When on my next cycle, I’m going to take Astralagus, Krill Oil, TUCDA, Milk Thistle, Red Yeast Rice, Citrus Bergamot and some other stuff to help.
You looked up Astragalus did you mate?! Lol I've never seen that guys post before - 38 to 68 improvement in eGFR is amazing, didn't think that was possible. I also take Grape seed extract, Pine Bark extract and curcumin for my kidney regime if that helps. Liver I use Milk Thistle, Choline Bitartrate, Inositol, Glutamine, NAC, and High Vit C.
I have been seeing a Nephrologist ever since a bad blood test last year. I am 48. I went due to some peripheral edema in my calves that just appeared one day. Diagnosed with permanent kidney damage..GFR down to 38. And creatinine all fucked up...spilling protein...among other issues.. Dr. told me the damage from 25+ years of juicing is not going to improve and that all we could hope for is for my function
not to decline further. BP meds, dietary and training changes were implemented. Sonograms, and more testing....I was very concerned and thought I was pretty much done with this lifestyle I have always loved...and possibly heading for dialysisin the future. I am on Dante Trudel's Facebook and he did a big write up on Astralagus and kidney functions..specifically GFR. I have used his training methods/advice in the past with great success so I tried it. Results are GFR (true with urinalysis not estimated) 68!!! ALL other kidney markers vastly improved as well. Nephro was in disbelief and very interested in what I have been doing. He now wants to investigate this herb further. I told him bodybuilders have always been ahead of the medical community in what works in the real world. Sorry for the long post but I really think we ALL should consider making this part of our daily regimen if we are consistently using gear. I only wish I could go back in time.
Please can you tell us what other things you take for Kidney health besides the Astragalus Root mate? Very interested to hear with you improving your GFR that much :-))
You looked up Astragalus did you mate?! Lol I've never seen that guys post before - 38 to 68 improvement in eGFR is amazing, didn't think that was possible. I also take Grape seed extract, Pine Bark extract and curcumin for my kidney regime if that helps. Liver I use Milk Thistle, Choline Bitartrate, Inositol, Glutamine, NAC, and High Vit C.
I've been researching it and wasn't sure it was worth trying. The rest of that stuff, I should probably take a look at.
Не так часто, как печень, но почки также поражаются от необдуманного употребления аас, но больше всего от роста гормона.
к сожалению,я тоже окунулся в эту проблему,хотя лучше бы вообще ее не касаться ,а только тренить,жрать,спать и колоть "астероиды"
I got prescribed lisinopril 10mg a ace inhibiter an hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg i think a diuretic? and I had a allergic reaction I thought I was gana die and they switched me to a arb losartan,no sides no dizziness when standing or night peeing.
A friend of mine injected me and gave me oral steroids before a 4 month camping trip. after about 5 days and having forgotten about it I found that I was chopping wood for so long that my calouses had completely ripped off. Hiking up hills no longer felt tiring. It worked great for about a week and a half and I enjoyed it.
A friend of mine injected me and gave me oral steroids before a 4 month camping trip. after about 5 days and having forgotten about it I found that I was chopping wood for so long that my calouses had completely ripped off. Hiking up hills no longer felt tiring. It worked great for about a week and a half and I enjoyed it.
how could you forget about something that unusual ?
From my experience (when i was younger) i tried just one time Dianabol at this dose 25mg twice day + bad quality whey 50g daily.

Results : i drank a lot but there was very little urine coming out (and very dark in color)

I stopped and never used this type of dose lol (i love therapy dose in generally or little bit more)

Thanks for the study ;)
[Portugese] Nephrocalcinosis Associated With The Use Of Anabolic Steroid

The anabolic steroid have been used as a therapeutic tool in various clinical conditions. However, indiscriminate use associated with other nutritional supplements has generated serious adverse effects.

CASE REPORT: Male, 21 years old, admitted with nausea, fatigue, appetite loss, headache and hypertension. Blood tests showed Cr: 3.9 mg% U: 100 mg% and Total Calcium 14 mg/dl. Ultrasonography and renal biopsy were consistent with nephrocalcinosis. There has been gradual improvement in renal function and calcium levels after vigorous hydration and furosemide. However, after 1 year, renal calcium deposits persist, corticomedullary ratio reduced in ultrasound and stable creatinine of 1.4 mg/dl. Previous cases showed acute tubular necrosis and interstitial nephritis with little calcium deposits in the renal interstitium. In this case we found severe nephrocalcinosis associated with nephrosclerosis. Our objective is to report the occurrence of acute kidney Injury with nephrocalcinosis associated with use of anabolic steroid and provide a review of the matter.

Luchi WM, Ricarte RN, Roitman LF, Santos OD. [Nephrocalcinosis associated with the use of anabolic steroid]. J Bras Nefrol. 2015;37(1):135-40. Nefrocalcinose associada ao uso de esteroide anabolizante
BP, and anyone else... what can we do to minimize kidney damage as gear users? Stay hydrated and watch BP come to mind, anything else?
See your doctor for low dose cialis, telemisartan, and nebivolol. After dropping to under 10% BF I still was having elevated BP. Started drinking a gallon of water a day and it came down nicely. But still needed more that's when I got on the 5mg cialis, 10mg telemisartan, and 2.5 mg nebivolol train. Now it's the new perfect BP.
I’ve had a lot of success with
Bloodwork improvements for kidney and liver enzymes with the kidney formula from revive MD+ Tudca+NAC, although it is expensive. You could save by getting the Ingredients in bulk.
great read - a Cystatin C test is the way to go for kidney tests. From what ive read, its wayyyy more accurate than the regular eGFR test which can also show a false reading in most cases with bodybuilders. I strongly agree with Astragalus Root Extract for kidney health.
Question for the "experts" here, I tested my cystatin C levels.

How does to look in your opinion?


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