New Member
I have been seeing a Nephrologist ever since a bad blood test last year. I am 48. I went due to some peripheral edema in my calves that just appeared one day. Diagnosed with permanent kidney damage..GFR down to 38. And creatinine all fucked up...spilling protein...among other issues.. Dr. told me the damage from 25+ years of juicing is not going to improve and that all we could hope for is for my function
not to decline further. BP meds, dietary and training changes were implemented. Sonograms, and more testing....I was very concerned and thought I was pretty much done with this lifestyle I have always loved...and possibly heading for dialysisin the future. I am on Dante Trudel's Facebook and he did a big write up on Astralagus and kidney functions..specifically GFR. I have used his training methods/advice in the past with great success so I tried it. Results are GFR (true with urinalysis not estimated) 68!!! ALL other kidney markers vastly improved as well. Nephro was in disbelief and very interested in what I have been doing. He now wants to investigate this herb further. I told him bodybuilders have always been ahead of the medical community in what works in the real world. Sorry for the long post but I really think we ALL should consider making this part of our daily regimen if we are consistently using gear. I only wish I could go back in time.
not to decline further. BP meds, dietary and training changes were implemented. Sonograms, and more testing....I was very concerned and thought I was pretty much done with this lifestyle I have always loved...and possibly heading for dialysisin the future. I am on Dante Trudel's Facebook and he did a big write up on Astralagus and kidney functions..specifically GFR. I have used his training methods/advice in the past with great success so I tried it. Results are GFR (true with urinalysis not estimated) 68!!! ALL other kidney markers vastly improved as well. Nephro was in disbelief and very interested in what I have been doing. He now wants to investigate this herb further. I told him bodybuilders have always been ahead of the medical community in what works in the real world. Sorry for the long post but I really think we ALL should consider making this part of our daily regimen if we are consistently using gear. I only wish I could go back in time.