Anabolic Steroids & Kidney

I have been seeing a Nephrologist ever since a bad blood test last year. I am 48. I went due to some peripheral edema in my calves that just appeared one day. Diagnosed with permanent kidney damage..GFR down to 38. And creatinine all fucked up...spilling protein...among other issues.. Dr. told me the damage from 25+ years of juicing is not going to improve and that all we could hope for is for my function
not to decline further. BP meds, dietary and training changes were implemented. Sonograms, and more testing....I was very concerned and thought I was pretty much done with this lifestyle I have always loved...and possibly heading for dialysisin the future. I am on Dante Trudel's Facebook and he did a big write up on Astralagus and kidney functions..specifically GFR. I have used his training methods/advice in the past with great success so I tried it. Results are GFR (true with urinalysis not estimated) 68!!! ALL other kidney markers vastly improved as well. Nephro was in disbelief and very interested in what I have been doing. He now wants to investigate this herb further. I told him bodybuilders have always been ahead of the medical community in what works in the real world. Sorry for the long post but I really think we ALL should consider making this part of our daily regimen if we are consistently using gear. I only wish I could go back in time.
I have been seeing a Nephrologist ever since a bad blood test last year. I am 48. I went due to some peripheral edema in my calves that just appeared one day. Diagnosed with permanent kidney damage..GFR down to 38. And creatinine all fucked up...spilling protein...among other issues.. Dr. told me the damage from 25+ years of juicing is not going to improve and that all we could hope for is for my function
not to decline further. BP meds, dietary and training changes were implemented. Sonograms, and more testing....I was very concerned and thought I was pretty much done with this lifestyle I have always loved...and possibly heading for dialysisin the future. I am on Dante Trudel's Facebook and he did a big write up on Astralagus and kidney functions..specifically GFR. I have used his training methods/advice in the past with great success so I tried it. Results are GFR (true with urinalysis not estimated) 68!!! ALL other kidney markers vastly improved as well. Nephro was in disbelief and very interested in what I have been doing. He now wants to investigate this herb further. I told him bodybuilders have always been ahead of the medical community in what works in the real world. Sorry for the long post but I really think we ALL should consider making this part of our daily regimen if we are consistently using gear. I only wish I could go back in time.
Thats awesome that you were able to come back from this. I just had a few questions if you have time. Where did you get your astralagus from? Also what steroids do you think are kidney damaging in your opinion ? Also did you ever have any kidney pain ? I have what seems to be kidney pain in both sides of my lower back kinda like a low throbbing pain, all blood markers were good about 6 months back. The pain comes and goes through my life I used to have the pain as a child, and a few months back while running dbol is started having pain again. I don't really know if it's related or if it's even kidneys. Mabey I will have to see a doctor one day but I don't want to. Anyway thank you for your time to share your information about this.
Thats awesome that you were able to come back from this. I just had a few questions if you have time. Where did you get your astralagus from? Also what steroids do you think are kidney damaging in your opinion ? Also did you ever have any kidney pain ? I have what seems to be kidney pain in both sides of my lower back kinda like a low throbbing pain, all blood markers were good about 6 months back. The pain comes and goes through my life I used to have the pain as a child, and a few months back while running dbol is started having pain again. I don't really know if it's related or if it's even kidneys. Mabey I will have to see a doctor one day but I don't want to. Anyway thank you for your time to share your information about this.
Yes I had pain much like ur describing. Low level throb on and off but definitely irritating and concerning. I feel it was from Superdrol the most .That was my favorite oral and I abused it to be sure at times. My nephrologist feels the injectables were far less likely to cause the harm ( high BP, peripheral edema). I use Vitamin Shoppe brand Astralagus...7 grams a day total..half in AM other half pre bed. And yeah I am super stoked to come back from this. Good luck man.
Yes I had pain much like ur describing. Low level throb on and off but definitely irritating and concerning. I feel it was from Superdrol the most .That was my favorite oral and I abused it to be sure at times. My nephrologist feels the injectables were far less likely to cause the harm ( high BP, peripheral edema). I use Vitamin Shoppe brand Astralagus...7 grams a day total..half in AM other half pre bed. And yeah I am super stoked to come back from this. Good luck man.
Please keep us updated from time to time on progress
Please keep us updated from time to time on progress
Will do brother. Gonna stick with the regimen for sure as I am still using TRT dose Test and GH throughout and am anxious to see what results the follow up testing will yield. My nephrologist told be although he cannot condone GH for personal use at this time there are studies within his profession showing it possibly assists in kidney filtration rate increases. Of course they have no idea by what mechanism but I like the sound of it.
Actual science says Pfizer covid vaccine causes blood clots:

How do you know your clots were not vaccine related?
I am a nurse. Both vaccinations plus booster. Pretty much a requirement for employment now in my field. I have worked daily with covid positive patients since this shit started. I have watched 47 people die. So far. All I can say is all politics aside I felt absolutely nothing from any of the shots. And still have not contracted the virus. I also worked for many months before it's release. No issues. But what bothers me is NONE of these health "professionals " talk about prevention. I am almost 50. I have very little bodyfat to speak of year round. I eat well, pay extra for higher quality items, supplement what I feel is needed, and train hard. I have done this for over 25 years. Some serious partying in there as well at times, to be truthful. The the people I have seen die...gasping and choking for air (or tubed) had one thing in common. In almost all cases, no one was in any semblance of good condition prior to contraction. But all we hear about are masks and drugs. Distance. It gets really disconcerting when Joe Rogan is the only one ever talking about exercise for prevention. Not sure what that means but it doesn't seem good lol.
I am a nurse. Both vaccinations plus booster. Pretty much a requirement for employment now in my field. I have worked daily with covid positive patients since this shit started. I have watched 47 people die. So far. All I can say is all politics aside I felt absolutely nothing from any of the shots. And still have not contracted the virus. I also worked for many months before it's release. No issues. But what bothers me is NONE of these health "professionals " talk about prevention. I am almost 50. I have very little bodyfat to speak of year round. I eat well, pay extra for higher quality items, supplement what I feel is needed, and train hard. I have done this for over 25 years. Some serious partying in there as well at times, to be truthful. The the people I have seen die...gasping and choking for air (or tubed) had one thing in common. In almost all cases, no one was in any semblance of good condition prior to contraction. But all we hear about are masks and drugs. Distance. It gets really disconcerting when Joe Rogan is the only one ever talking about exercise for prevention. Not sure what that means but it doesn't seem good lol.
I've had more than a few medical professionals tell me they have seen athletes in their 20's and 30's die from Covid
From his ass, because it doesn't.
Pure unadulterated ester-less testosterone at least, doesn't.
That's why you don't inject testosterone esters. Not only does it have an ester, it also has unhealthy oils. That you shoot straight in blood vessels. Think about that for one second.

You either:
- apply testosterone base in DMSO on your skin twice a day.

- take 100mg capsules of pure testosterone base powders throughout the day, between 5 and 10 depending on your desired outcomes.
Not to get off topic,but I read the bioavailability of test base taken orally was somewhere in the range of 80-90%. If taking the doses you speak of, then obviously the percentage is overrated.
Interesting...I certainly never have seen it. And I work with a very diverse medical/age population. I guess what I am saying is..I don't believe u.
You should not believe anything without proof, if correct information is important to you
I've had more than a few medical professionals tell me they have seen athletes in their 20's and 30's die from Covid
My country has about 17 million residents, with 19k registered COVID-19 deaths. I'm looking at the data now from when there were 18.2k registered COVID-19 deaths: 15 deaths in the age group 20-29, and 36 in the age group 30-39. In (developed) countries it's a rather rare event to pass away from COVID-19 at that age.
Not to get off topic,but I read the bioavailability of test base taken orally was somewhere in the range of 80-90%. If taking the doses you speak of, then obviously the percentage is overrated.

No way on earth it's that high. Can you find where you read that?
At my most recent blood test, the doctor noted that my eGFR was pretty low for someone my age (42), although still just within range. Urea, sodium OK but creatinine slightly elevated. I presume is down to weight training and a higher protein diet.

The thing is, my eGFR was tested over 10 years ago and the figure was almost identical. I wonder if I just have kidneys that are sub-par.
I have been seeing a Nephrologist ever since a bad blood test last year. I am 48. I went due to some peripheral edema in my calves that just appeared one day. Diagnosed with permanent kidney damage..GFR down to 38. And creatinine all fucked up...spilling protein...among other issues.. Dr. told me the damage from 25+ years of juicing is not going to improve and that all we could hope for is for my function
not to decline further. BP meds, dietary and training changes were implemented. Sonograms, and more testing....I was very concerned and thought I was pretty much done with this lifestyle I have always loved...and possibly heading for dialysisin the future. I am on Dante Trudel's Facebook and he did a big write up on Astralagus and kidney functions..specifically GFR. I have used his training methods/advice in the past with great success so I tried it. Results are GFR (true with urinalysis not estimated) 68!!! ALL other kidney markers vastly improved as well. Nephro was in disbelief and very interested in what I have been doing. He now wants to investigate this herb further. I told him bodybuilders have always been ahead of the medical community in what works in the real world. Sorry for the long post but I really think we ALL should consider making this part of our daily regimen if we are consistently using gear. I only wish I could go back in time.

Well, one was a blood test, and the other was a piss test.

You are comparing apples and oranges.

Did you ever go do another blood test to see whether your eGFR on the blood test improved at all?
I started using Astragalus Extract, NAC, Glutathione and NAD+ (IV drip) over a year ago and my blood work did a 180 from where it was. The Astragalus I found really helped regulate my liver enzymes on cycle. Plus its very cheap compared to some of my other supplements.
Hey are your kidneys better? Mine increased they're running rate up to 46%
Mate thats a great increase in GFR - it looks like they can heal then. Thats basically out of Stage 4 CKD. Interesting to see how much getting BP under control can help with creatinine levels - I was running high BP for years and noticed my kidney ranges weren't so good and they weren't even pointed out by my doctor!! Took me to notice it so now I got that well under control, No tren and Astragalus root / Grape seed extract and Pine bark extract. Hoping to see some good blood numbers in a week or at least better Lol