Boldenone (EQ) Misconceptions and Comparison with Metenolone (Primo) [Author: Type-IIx]

I really like all the thought you put into your plan and how it’s layed out. Very good approach.
I would drop the Tren for the bulk if you’re on the fence. Yes maximum anabolics is important and the role Tren plays is significant. But also consider the impact on health. Dropping the Tren in the bulk reduces the impact on your health and a healthy body is very important for growth and can outweigh the advantages Tren offers.
Im using Test/Tren in this cut. Have Deca in my system still, it’s working its way out, not injecting any. and it will be long out before this cut is over.
My Tren dose is low compared to my Test dose, will be tapering Test down also
Also using inj. Albuterol pre cardio
Really relying on my diet and training as the primacy drivers in this cut.

I like your plan with insulin post workout meal in your bulk, considering the same.
I’m relying on my low bodyfat and strict diet to maintain insulin sensitivity on high HGH won’t be using any insulin for this purpose. If my HGH is having an impact in this regard I’ll lower the dose, hopefully I won’t have to.
I like your detailed plan and will be looking forward to following your results and findings.
Good luck
Yeah likewise man! Great discussion!

How are you liking the albuterol pre workout? Never heard of injectable albuterol. Do you get the shakes from it like you would with clen?
Yeah likewise man! Great discussion!

How are you liking the albuterol pre workout? Never heard of injectable albuterol. Do you get the shakes from it like you would with clen?
I like it and mostly I like it because I can sleep fine. I mainly use it pre fasted cardio.
When I first started using it over a year ago I did get the shakes pretty bad. I ride my motorcycle to the gym most days so this was a factor lol. They pass quickly though. 10-20 mins after injection they are gone.
Now the shakes aren’t really noticeable even at a decent dose.
Removing any influence of relative parent hormone content between the undecylenate & enanthate esters (where enanthate > undecylenate, i.e., Primo > EQ), we can say that boldenone is a surprisingly weak anabolic agent, with a low potency to activate the AR (10.72% relative potency vs. DHT). Metenolone is considerably more potent as an AR ligand (28.75% relative potency vs. DHT).

i thought boldenones binding to the AR was stronger than testosterone for some reason, where are these numbers from and do you know where i can read more about it? could you talk a bit more of how you think EQ compares to others anabolics when it comes to AR binding and tissue accrual?

I like it and mostly I like it because I can sleep fine. I mainly use it pre fasted cardio.
When I first started using it over a year ago I did get the shakes pretty bad. I ride my motorcycle to the gym most days so this was a factor lol. They pass quickly though. 10-20 mins after injection they are gone.
Now the shakes aren’t really noticeable even at a decent dose.
how much albuterol do you use when its injectable like that?
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how much albuterol do you use when its injectable like that?
It’s a product sold by a very reliable source here.
I don’t believe he discloses the actual mcg amount of Albuterol for safety purposes because he doesn’t want people to take an equal amount to oral Clen because it would kill them, but rather I follow his recommendations for the amount used.
I think that’s the reason, someone that knows can correct me if I am wrong
And I believe it’s in mcg not Mg
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It’s a product sold by a very reliable source here.
I don’t believe he discloses the actual mcg amount of Albuterol for safety purposes because he doesn’t want people to take an equal amount to oral Clen because it would kill them, but rather I follow his recommendations for the amount used.
I think that’s the reason, someone that knows can correct me if I am wrong
And I believe it’s in mcg not Mg

sounds dangerous to buy a product you dont know the concentration on to me, i would want to know how much im taking.
sounds dangerous to buy a product you dont know the concentration on to me, i would want to know how much im taking.
Like I said I could be wrong. Just going off memory and my memory isn’t the best lol.
And you’re definitely make a very valid point but if you do the brewing math it’s not dangerous at all.
Let’s say the amount per mL in each 20 mL vial is 500 mcg. That’s 10 mg of product per vial. He’s not making one vial at a time so let’s say it’s 100 vials per batch. So he’s putting 1 gram of product in each batch.
Even if it’s off by 10% it’s not going to matter very much because it’s divided so many times it wouldn’t matter really.
Your only take 0.25 mL for your dose so the 1 gram in the batch is getting divided 500 times before you take your dose.
The problem lies in someone thinking they need to take much more than the recommended dose since the dose of Oral Clen is so much higher. The dose of Clen is actually what would be in 40 batches so absolutely not possible but the desire to take more is common in human nature
Also, I brew most everything I take if I knew the amount I for sure would get the raws and just make it mysell
Also I’ve used 140 mL so far without the slightest issue

Edit:I apologize to everyone for going way off the topic of EQ
Back to EQ…
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