Best cycle tailored for my goals?

You say that your appetite is barely controllable on high test, perhaps it’s your diet which contributed to the bloat rather than directly from test itself?
Yeah I mentioned that too, but I also mentioned I'm a high aromatizer. Give it enough time with an ai when on trt and my e2 goes over range. 1:1 primo while on cruise is enough to keep my e2 at the low end, or even too low, but once I add HCG it goes above normal levels.
Yeah I mentioned that too, but I also mentioned I'm a high aromatizer. Give it enough time with an ai when on trt and my e2 goes over range. 1:1 primo while on cruise is enough to keep my e2 at the low end, or even too low, but once I add HCG it goes above normal levels.
So even with diet under control you still experienced the water retention?
So what’s Dwayne Johnson or Mike o Hearn doing to get so jacked with no water retention at all? Is it possible to get jacked on trt high anabolic cycles?

They’re doing it right. They also have resources to the best of the best coaches that know this stuff like it’s.. their career.

To the second question - absolutely. With sufficient test & intense enough training with proper diet will get you farther than dude hitting gym 2x a week eating shit taking tren
Test and mast. Start low if you’ve never taken mast (something like 300 test, 300 mast). Then you can slowly increase the mast as long as you still feel good and isn’t impacting sex drive. Eat clean and do cardio. Keep water very high and keep sodium amount the same every day
You’re responding to the wrong person. I’d be curious what his bloodwork was and the ester of test. If it’s test P or sus chance could be the test kicked in before the primo could saturate.

Some people I’ve heard primo just doesn’t do the AI thing. Not sure. But it does for me. ~1000ng/dl test gives ~16pg/dl E2
Test E. It's the HCG that does it though. I like to keep my balls a somewhat normal size. But primo does not do the same to me as arimidex does, and even arimidex doesn't do the same to me as most people. 0.5mg once a week on trt leaves me at the ceiling. Twice a week leaves me high center, and three times a week leaves me at the lower end of the range where I like to be. And that's just with 120mg a week test e and 1000iu a week hcg
Test and mast. Start low if you’ve never taken mast (something like 300 test, 300 mast). Then you can slowly increase the mast as long as you still feel good and isn’t impacting sex drive. Eat clean and do cardio. Keep water very high and keep sodium amount the same every day
I think we still need an answer on his stats (height , weight , BF) before we start suggesting mast
So even with diet under control you still experienced the water retention?
If by under control you mean not in a big surplus and giving myself little treats here and there, yes. Right now I'm cruising and in a deficit and my face has gone back to normal. But I was in a bulk, and there's no way I could ever cut with my test that high.
Test E. It's the HCG that does it though. I like to keep my balls a somewhat normal size. But primo does not do the same to me as arimidex does, and even arimidex doesn't do the same to me as most people. 0.5mg once a week on trt leaves me at the ceiling. Twice a week leaves me high center, and three times a week leaves me at the lower end of the range where I like to be. And that's just with 120mg a week test e and 1000iu a week hcg

Weird. I use HCG and HMG with Test and Primo. I even used it the morning I took the labs where I got 1000 test and 16 E2. I did not take my TRT+ shot that morning.

Like I said, everyone is different but primo 1:1 works great for me for AI.
They’re doing it right. They also have resources to the best of the best coaches that know this stuff like it’s.. their career.

To the second question - absolutely. With sufficient test & intense enough training with proper diet will get you farther than dude hitting gym 2x a week eating shit taking tren
I think for now I may have to stick with trt and add other compounds to drive anabolism
You remind me of those guys that come here and worry about losing their hair. They want to use steroids, but are afraid of things.

Let me tell you this, you either accept the risks associated with steroids and accept possible side effects or you don't touch them at all. Seems to me you worry about your face more, then reconsider if it's even worth it. Your face will change, it will age, you will possibly get acne, quality of skin will change for the worse, face will look bigger, you will not be pretty boy. Regardless of what anabolics you choose to do. Stuff like dhts and tren will age you, stuff like test and nand will bloat you up. There is no free ride.

Maybe steroids are not for you then. Think thoroughly and come back once you have made up your mind. We won't help you keep your face nice and pretty, this ain't not beauty forum. We talk about male enhancement here and we accept the risks that comes with it. Just like women who get surgeries, botox injections, fake boobs and ass. They accept the risks and deal with it.
Look you seem like a nice humble guy, but you and I live in two completely different worlds. I live in the entertainment business where I’m selling my face and body, both of which must be perfect. I want to have that most aesthetic face possible with the best body. I work modeling and OF

Unlike you I can’t do the sam sulek deal of putting my head down in a hoodie and baggy pants while bulking and lifting. I need to be 6’0 210 single digit bodyfat. Is high test necessary for that or not? But I can accept being smaller as some “roles” require me to be more of a taking. Taking “water” or “candy rain” bent over
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I’m thinking of a cycle like

150 test 1000 eq/primo with 100 anavar ED possibly might add masteron and Tren which will make me look older but I’ll be carrying no moon face or water retention
Look you seem like a nice humble guy, but you and I live in two completely different worlds. I live in the entertainment business where I’m selling my face and body, both of which must be perfect. I want to have that most aesthetic face possible with the best body. I work modeling and OF

Unlike you I can’t do the sam sulek deal of putting my head down in a hoodie and baggy pants while bulking and lifting. I need to be 6’0 210 single digit bodyfat. Is high test necessary for that or not? But I can accept being smaller as some “roles” require me to be more of a taking. Taking “water” or “candy rain” bent over
Don't get me wrong either, I'm all about doing things more moderately now. If you dig my older posts, then yes I used to do 600-1000mg Testosterone and orals like dbol and/or high dose anavar with Equipoise. Strength gains and size were phenomenal. I loved it back then.

Now, I use 30% for my mini blasts. I don't go over 600mg of combined stuff anymore. So, it's not like I don't give a shit and abuse steroids.

What can I advise you, given your goals to look hard and lean, is to limit your Testosterone to 200-300mg/weekly, no matter the ester. Pick one dose and stick to it, I like 250mg per week on a cruise for example, I look leaner and more athletic without any significant changes in my body fat %. People then say wtf am I taking, I say dudes I actually weight a bit less now. It's all about visuals. Compared to 500mg I look a lot better, less massive and overall presence is not as intimidating to non fitness people.

I like eq for that cosmetic effect, but it doesn't look natural. Primo gives me more fullness, but quality not bloat and more acne for some reason. Anavar possibly being the best out of all, but since it's oral you it's not sustainable look long term.

So if I were in your shoes or role, I would do the following cycle:

1.Testosterone 250mg (however long bloods allow, I cruise on it so for me indefinitely)

2. Anavar 30mg (4-6 weeks, depends on blood work)

AI as needed, since Anavar is dht I would need quite a bit less than usually.

P.S. given this, I know my body very well being in my 6th year since starting this enhanced lifestyle. Your mileage might vary and as always everybody's different.
I’m really at a crossroads right now in how I want to be proceed this summer. I’m your opinion what would be the best cycle for what I want

1. This is going to be a cutting cycle first and foremost

2. I want to stay as dry as possible specially my face, I don’t want any moon face. As silly as it may seem a bloated face just messes with me mentally

3. I want to stay as dry and full as possible simultaneously

4. Lastly I want to feel good mentally and physically, meaning no issues with anxiety, cardio, sex drive or sleep

I fear that if I run a low test cycle I’ll look significantly smaller and lose a lot of strength. But if I run higher test to stay full I run the risk of turning into a water buffalo.

So is it a matter of choosing between dryness and aesthetics vs strength and fullness? Or can I have a balance of both?

Have any of you guys ran a cutting cycle that achieved the best balance of the two?
Yes and I'm shredded bro taking 200mg tren,200mg masteron 3iu hgh 225mg decca and 400mg test 400 feel great mate
Don't get me wrong either, I'm all about doing things more moderately now. If you dig my older posts, then yes I used to do 600-1000mg Testosterone and orals like dbol and/or high dose anavar with Equipoise. Strength gains and size were phenomenal. I loved it back then.

Now, I use 30% for my mini blasts. I don't go over 600mg of combined stuff anymore. So, it's not like I don't give a shit and abuse steroids.

What can I advise you, given your goals to look hard and lean, is to limit your Testosterone to 200-300mg/weekly, no matter the ester. Pick one dose and stick to it, I like 250mg per week on a cruise for example, I look leaner and more athletic without any significant changes in my body fat %. People then say wtf am I taking, I say dudes I actually weight a bit less now. It's all about visuals. Compared to 500mg I look a lot better, less massive and overall presence is not as intimidating to non fitness people.

I like eq for that cosmetic effect, but it doesn't look natural. Primo gives me more fullness, but quality not bloat and more acne for some reason. Anavar possibly being the best out of all, but since it's oral you it's not sustainable look long term.

So if I were in your shoes or role, I would do the following cycle:

1.Testosterone 250mg (however long bloods allow, I cruise on it so for me indefinitely)

2. Anavar 30mg (4-6 weeks, depends on blood work)

AI as needed, since Anavar is dht I would need quite a bit less than usually.

P.S. given this, I know my body very well being in my 6th year since starting this enhanced lifestyle. Your mileage might vary and as always everybody's different.
Thanks, I’ll stick to test prop 40 ed, mast p 30 ed along with 300 eq. Winny will be added for photo shoots
I’m thinking of a cycle like

150 test 1000 eq/primo with 100 anavar ED possibly might add masteron and Tren which will make me look older but I’ll be carrying no moon face or water retention
The easiest way to do this is abuse ai or diuretics, have you seen what they call death face? Contest day shredded look leaves you with no water anywhere in your body your face included, check munzer, dorian for better demonstration.

You can run 5-10grams of anabolics and will be dry as fuck if your follow contest prep diets and have low body fat then add in letro to further drive estrogen down. To do this safely, or minimize the damage done, hire a contest prep coach.
The easiest way to do this is abuse ai or diuretics, have you seen what they call death face? Contest day shredded look leaves you with no water anywhere in your body your face included, check munzer, dorian for better demonstration.

You can run 5-10grams of anabolics and will be dry as fuck if your follow contest prep diets and have low body fat then add in letro to further drive estrogen down. To do this safely, or minimize the damage done, hire a contest prep coach.
I’m already on it. I haven’t taken an ai in almost a year. Notice my skin is thicker than it once was so I’ll definitely implement adex now
You remind me of those guys that come here and worry about losing their hair. They want to use steroids, but are afraid of things.

Let me tell you this, you either accept the risks associated with steroids and accept possible side effects or you don't touch them at all. Seems to me you worry about your face more, then reconsider if it's even worth it. Your face will change, it will age, you will possibly get acne, quality of skin will change for the worse, face will look bigger, you will not be pretty boy. Regardless of what anabolics you choose to do. Stuff like dhts and tren will age you, stuff like test and nand will bloat you up. There is no free ride.

Maybe steroids are not for you then. Think thoroughly and come back once you have made up your mind. We won't help you keep your face nice and pretty, this ain't not beauty forum. We talk about male enhancement here and we accept the risks that comes with it. Just like women who get surgeries, botox injections, fake boobs and ass. They accept the risks and deal with it.
well said