The Tren-shroom Chronicles: Expanded Universe Edition

I said it before, for me tren is how i imagined mast. Great confidence boost, perfect for cutting, doesn't make you look flat like mast. No hair loss and shitty skin.

I think the confidence boost is what makes people go back to it all the time, i've never had that with other steroids. And the look of course, it's something else.

It has big addiction potential for sure, probably bigger than other steroids. That's the real danger i see with tren, not all the bullshit horror stories about donkey tranny fucking.

Agree that mast makes you flat. Personally I think it's good as you carry less water and less stress on your body.

Have a pic of before / after visual tren changes?
It changed my life and helped me forgive my mom for what she did to me as a child. I'll never regret my experience.
That's great! I've also had awesome experiences with mushrooms. I've done quite a few psychedelics in my life. I'm not anti-psychedelics. I'm not looking to fear monger and demonize them, I'm just trying to point out that oftentimes we consider them safe and risk-free which is not the case. They can have horrible psychological and emotional consequences if misused/overused. I've seen this firsthand several times and it is not a good time. Not just a bad trip, but long lasting problems. They also have the possibility for very good positive experiences and can be very helpful.

I'm not a fan of mixing two or more psychologically powerful drugs though. It may work for you but it may completely fuck somebody else.

All the best and I hope you find what you're looking for!
Tren for me means that I need to keep an introspective eye on my behavior at all times and try to stay cognizant that the drug does have the ability to make me not, well "me", if I let it. This is especially true after 5-6 weeks when the drug is more integrated and is starting to become the new normal. You could be WAY the fuck out of line with an interaction with someone and it might not even register as such until you come off the drug. You are your own worst enemy on Tren.

Why do I put up with this shit? Because the plus side of using it is so phenomenal that it makes the associated risk profile worth it to me. Nothing I have used to date is even close in terms of ferocity in the gym and the gains in strength and PR's that can be achieved in such a short time frame. Test + Tren just plain gets it done.

Tren has just become such a dumb pop culture and social media phenomenon the last several years that it's become difficult to have a reciprocal conversation about the drug. There is just so much baggage and bullshit to unpack.
Have only shitty before pics, but you should get some idea

1 pic: from may last year when i started testosterone

2 pic: from last month, for me the face changes are the most obvious, my face was never this lean/chiseled before

In the 2nd picture, not only the face but the upper body too, one can see has changed a lot.
How do you see yourself now?
Has it made you "happier"?
In the 2nd picture, not only the face but the upper body too, one can see has changed a lot.
How do you see yourself now?
Has it made you "happier"?

Thanks, Iris. Always feeding my tren-narcissism. :D

Tren didn't really make me happier. It just made me more confident and helped me to completely forget my ex and concentrate on new things, which was pretty helpful already.

Anyways, didn't want to hijack OPs thread with my tren shilling, just felt like tren needs to get a bit of love back. It's not that bad.
Thanks, Iris. Always feeding my tren-narcissism. :D

Nope, not feeding anything.
Just saying what I see, always.

Seriously, though.
What was your ex thinking?
She landed someone like you and let it go?
Listen, obviously I don't mean this is any weird way, just as a purely factual appraisal of what everyone can see there: that picture... you are a beautiful, beautiful thing.
True, looks mean sod all to someone else, after a bit.
But, and I have already said this to you, what I also see is a humble, smart and genuine guy.
It must also be said, though, that there are a lot of f*****s out there never happy with anything and for whom the grass is always greener.
But that's not your fault.

In the end, make sure you have like 100 children as magnificent as you are because your genes need to be propagated to infinity and beyond.

Tren didn't really make me happier. It just made me more confident and helped me to completely forget my ex and concentrate on new things, which was pretty helpful already.

Anyways, didn't want to hijack OPs thread with my tren shilling, just felt like tren needs to get a bit of love back. It's not that bad.

No hijack.
What you write is always real, personal and relevant.
And often super funny, too.

There is another recent thread, about someone taking it for the first time.
Don't know if you saw it or remember if you replied, there.
Anyway, it's always good when you are around.

Have a good afternoon.