Low responder to test E? Not producing DHT? Anyone who struggles with the same issue?

And just so you know, I got a vial from another source already and inject it after I did bloodwork.

Libido was back in 10 hours.
Unless your pinning prop your not going to have a noticeable increase in anything in 10 hours. I’m not saying the batch isn’t off but I am saying that I don’t believe you know exactly what your doing. Your messing with your hormones and potentially messing things up just going off by half a day of feels. Perhaps this isn’t for you or you should grow some patience
I've attached my recent bloodwork from last week, 150mg Test E weekly QSC. Took blood 24hr after my last previous injection, so it's not trough levels, but still considerably high.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 142030.png
I've attached my recent bloodwork from last week, 150mg Test E weekly QSC. Took blood 24hr after my last previous injection, so it's not trough levels, but still considerably high.

View attachment 284872

I've attached my recent bloodwork from last week, 150mg Test E weekly QSC. Took blood 24hr after my last previous injection, so it's not trough levels, but still considerably high.

View attachment 284872
Great levels! When did you get that batch of test e?
How you doing everyone

I am yet to do bloodwork, I will do it next week, but there is something funny going on here and I am struggling to pinpoint what. Even if you think is silly to speculate without bloodwork indulge me a bit please.

Basically, it feels like I am injecting water, or actually, it feels like I am injecting straight e2. The only thing that was off on my last bloodwork 4 weeks ago was very low shbg, before injecting test.

I have been using test E from QSC for 1 month now, in the beginning 25mg subq everyday. After some days I felt good mentally, like happy, peaceful, but my libido was non-existent. My nipples were not hurting and generally I didn't have any other high e2 or low e2 problems, none that really bothered me anyway. I decided to swap to IM EOD last week, and up my dose to 225mg or so per week. This, combined with arimedex, seemed to improve the situation a bit, but my libido is on and off very fast (I might get a bit horny for one afternoon the day after my dose, but after some hours is completely gone).

I know everyone will want to talk about e2 here, which is fair and is obviously related somehow, but I think there is a dht issue here. Clues: I lose hair even natty, right now my hairloss has completely stopped. No acne whatsoever, zero. No extra body hair growth. I am not bloated but my face is def not as chilesed as it is natty. When I did a serm+sarm cycle, even when my tits were on fire I was extremely horny and strong and my hair was horrible. Right now my muscles are kinda flat. If I use enclo I get horny and notice the typical dht sides (hairloss etc), tho that messes with e2 control. If I use hcg, I get horny for one day and the next I explode in e2.

I don't think the test is bunk. Everything else from qsc is working for me. Their NPP makes me extremely horny and strong 3-4 after injecting. Besides if the test wasn't working I wouldn't be aromatizing, which I clearly am.

Is it possible that with this ester I simply don't convert much to DHT? I have been reading about people on TRT who need to be on Prop to have any libido whatsoever.

In the mean time prop arrives, should I just say fuck it and up my dose to 300mg+ and just eat AIs like candy?


About the e2 issue: If my dht is low, for whatever reason, I would get high e2 sides much quicker, as dht antagonizes e2 in receptors. I am pretty sure this is what is happening. I am somehow low test, low dht, and mid e2. Is the only combination that kinda makes sense of my physical and mental state at the moment.

Why would I have this reaction to test E?
Stop the arimidex. It’s tanking your e2 levels. Too low e2 is just as bad as low test. If you are not competing, you should only introduce arim if you start having effects of high e2 or aromatization like gyno, watery look, acne, full face. You may not even need the arim. And it could be preventing you from thriving.