Low responder to test E? Not producing DHT? Anyone who struggles with the same issue?

Obviously, your blood panels results will provide some additional insight. In the absence of those results, I would suggest one of a couple things.

1) Reduce your injection frequency. This is completely anecdotal, but I have noticed what seems like more and more guys do not react well in terms of the quality of life aspect of TRT from daily administration of long esters. I’m not saying this happens to everyone. Because that’s clearly not the case. But it seems common enough that it’s worth considering less frequent injections.

2) Switch to propionate. I came across a paper 4-5 years ago demonstrating that different people metabolize different esters at different rates. The conclusion of the authors was that certain cohorts should use short acting esters while others will be fine with either short or long. I know this doesn’t jive with the “test is test“ line, but many of us react differently to other medications so why should exogenous testosterone be the only exception.

Best of luck mate.

Edit: oh and while it’s technically possible that you had faked product, i’d be highly skeptical of that notion considering it’s one of the most common and cheapest aas available today. And I’m sure some people are going to say you can’t go by feeling, but one of the major points of TRT is that you feel better. Obviously you don’t only go by feeling when making evaluations, but it absolutely should play a part.

Could be yeah. I metabolise drugs and meds incredibly fast. Lets see. I still suspect of bad batch
Nah, it wasnt high e2. My levels of  everything are just low. Enclo partially worked because it simply made my balls work again.

i dont think they are faking test at all. But bad batches happen even in massive corporations.

Anyway tomorrow bw and if my levels are indeed low I am sending it to Jano
It's impossible for you to know that "everything is low" based off how you feel. This is the classic way that people end up chasing their tail and throwing all kind of random drugs in the mix without really knowing what's going on. If you are injecting that much testosterone there's no way enclo did anything for you. If your vials are in fact just sterile then enclo would work. I'm pretty sure all your guesswork is just placebo effect and wild guessing. Seems like we're just going to disagree on that but doesn't matter.

Good call on the blood work immediately and sending it off for testing. You will get exact answers that way.
All of his claims are pure speculation based off FEELZ
to create all these theorize and discussion seems a little off to me when blood work for DHT is sub 40 dollars.

The layout of the drug usage is a little off.

@slightlyam please fix your drug layout. what exactly are you on? have to go through the paragraph to layout what drugs you are taking .both steroid and ancillaries. What is your history with usage?
to create all these theorize and discussion seems a little off to me when blood work for DHT is sub 40 dollars.

The layout of the drug usage is a little off.

@slightlyam please fix your drug layout. what exactly are you on? have to go through the paragraph to layout what drugs you are taking .both steroid and ancillaries. What is your history with usage?
Look at his original post. He's taking random shit on and off and just throwing things at the wall. At first he said he thinks he's injecting "straight E2" but later says he thinks his E2 is low. He claims he took enclo which he thinks will raise his DHT. He's randomly taking a arimidex and HCG as well. He's also concerned that the ester of test he is taking means his body will not convert it to DHT. He is also changing his testosterone protocol repeatedly. This dude is all over the place and just doing random shit but has no blood work. Classic newbie frenzy mode. I feel like this mentality is easy to spot because they almost always get paranoid about sensitive nipples and their E2.
Look at his original post. He's taking random shit on and off and just throwing things at the wall. At first he said he thinks he's injecting "straight E2" but later says he thinks his E2 is low. He claims he took enclo which he thinks will raise his DHT. He's randomly taking a arimidex and HCG as well. He's also concerned that the ester of test he is taking means his body will not convert it to DHT. He is also changing his testosterone protocol repeatedly. This dude is all over the place and just doing random shit but has no blood work. Classic newbie frenzy mode. I feel like this mentality is easy to spot because they almost always get paranoid about sensitive nipples and their E2.
people overcomplicate things

Inject 400-500mg of test
take a Serm as needed
Take an AI off of blood work and symptoms

Take 750mg of Tren

Why do people need to make it difficult?
people overcomplicate things

Inject 400-500mg of test
take a Serm as needed
Take an AI off of blood work and symptoms

Take 750mg of Tren

Why do people need to make it difficult?
Some guys are incapable of reading basic info and following the simple recipe. They think their smarter than than experts and many decades of knowledge. There's a certain kind of mind that loves to overcomplicate and thinks that they can do better than what is proven.

750 tren seems kinda low for a first cycle.
to create all these theorize and discussion seems a little off to me when blood work for DHT is sub 40 dollars.

The layout of the drug usage is a little off.

@slightlyam please fix your drug layout. what exactly are you on? have to go through the paragraph to layout what drugs you are taking .both steroid and ancillaries. What is your history with usage?

"please fix your drug layout. what exactly are you on? have to go through the paragraph to layout what drugs you are taking .both steroid and ancillaries."

Test E 75mg EoD IM

Test E 150mg (Only yesterday, a bit out of despair)

Enclo at 3mg, two times in total

Adex a couple of times. Made no real difference in symptoms. Emphasis on real.

Some guys are incapable of reading basic info and following the simple recipe. They think their smarter than than experts and many decades of knowledge. There's a certain kind of mind that loves to overcomplicate and thinks that they can do better than what is proven.

750 tren seems kinda low for a first cycle.

I understand your PoV and I would think the same if I were in your position. The problem is having zero libido whatsoever when following the basic recipe, for a month.

My original thread is all over the place because I was trying to troubleshoot something that was hard for me to imagine: that my test vial was off somehow.

And it was massively different  feelzzzz from first cycle and my first cruise, at the same threshold dose. Again, by feels we are talking about basic physiology like libido. I can expand on this but I dont think is interesting.

In any case, now that my father has reported the same issues and has fixed them by changing source, and I am pretty clear headed. Did bloods today, depending on results will send it to Jano, and I am changing sources.

Besides I really dont care about trash talking qsc considering I love their peptides and will continue to order from them.

My only frustration is with Internet communities being so adamant on insisting that test being off/underdosed is literally impossible, so when troubleshooting, despite this thought coming through my head considering the massive difference in experience from my previous source, I just ignored it.
"please fix your drug layout. what exactly are you on? have to go through the paragraph to layout what drugs you are taking .both steroid and ancillaries."

Test E 75mg EoD IM

Test E 150mg (Only yesterday, a bit out of despair)

Enclo at 3mg, two times in total

Adex a couple of times. Made no real difference in symptoms. Emphasis on real.

I understand your PoV and I would think the same if I were in your position. The problem is having zero libido whatsoever when following the basic recipe, for a month.

My original thread is all over the place because I was trying to troubleshoot something that was hard for me to imagine: that my test vial was off somehow.

And it was massively different  feelzzzz from first cycle and my first cruise, at the same threshold dose. Again, by feels we are talking about basic physiology like libido. I can expand on this but I dont think is interesting.

In any case, now that my father has reported the same issues and has fixed them by changing source, and I am pretty clear headed. Did bloods today, depending on results will send it to Jano, and I am changing sources.

Besides I really dont care about trash talking qsc considering I love their peptides and will continue to order from them.

My only frustration is with Internet communities being so adamant on insisting that test being off/underdosed is literally impossible, so when troubleshooting, despite this thought coming through my head considering the massive difference in experience from my previous source, I just ignored it.
2 people feelz still amount to not good info. You are both human beings and how you feel is based on hundreds of variables, not just the AAS you are using. Test is unlikely to be faked but is possible. Could be a mix up of vials as well but unlikely. Blood work and testing will give you what you need.
Test E 75mg EoD IM

Test E 150mg (Only yesterday, a bit out of despair)

Enclo at 3mg, two times in total

Adex a couple of times. Made no real difference in symptoms. Emphasis on real.
What is Adex a couple of times? What is the dose? How are you taking it?

Why enclomiphene? Everytime I see this particular drug. I question the experience of the user.
I understand your PoV and I would think the same if I were in your position. The problem is having zero libido whatsoever when following the basic recipe, for a month
Your recipe is not basic at all.
My only frustration is with Internet communities being so adamant on insisting that test being off/underdosed is literally impossible, so when troubleshooting, despite this thought coming through my head considering the massive difference in experience from my previous source, I just ignored it.
150-500 test. Your libido should be fine

You are taking 225 of test e a week with Adex?
How you doing everyone

I am yet to do bloodwork, I will do it next week, but there is something funny going on here and I am struggling to pinpoint what. Even if you think is silly to speculate without bloodwork indulge me a bit please.

Basically, it feels like I am injecting water, or actually, it feels like I am injecting straight e2. The only thing that was off on my last bloodwork 4 weeks ago was very low shbg, before injecting test.

I have been using test E from QSC for 1 month now, in the beginning 25mg subq everyday. After some days I felt good mentally, like happy, peaceful, but my libido was non-existent. My nipples were not hurting and generally I didn't have any other high e2 or low e2 problems, none that really bothered me anyway. I decided to swap to IM EOD last week, and up my dose to 225mg or so per week. This, combined with arimedex, seemed to improve the situation a bit, but my libido is on and off very fast (I might get a bit horny for one afternoon the day after my dose, but after some hours is completely gone).

I know everyone will want to talk about e2 here, which is fair and is obviously related somehow, but I think there is a dht issue here. Clues: I lose hair even natty, right now my hairloss has completely stopped. No acne whatsoever, zero. No extra body hair growth. I am not bloated but my face is def not as chilesed as it is natty. When I did a serm+sarm cycle, even when my tits were on fire I was extremely horny and strong and my hair was horrible. Right now my muscles are kinda flat. If I use enclo I get horny and notice the typical dht sides (hairloss etc), tho that messes with e2 control. If I use hcg, I get horny for one day and the next I explode in e2.

I don't think the test is bunk. Everything else from qsc is working for me. Their NPP makes me extremely horny and strong 3-4 after injecting. Besides if the test wasn't working I wouldn't be aromatizing, which I clearly am.

Is it possible that with this ester I simply don't convert much to DHT? I have been reading about people on TRT who need to be on Prop to have any libido whatsoever.

In the mean time prop arrives, should I just say fuck it and up my dose to 300mg+ and just eat AIs like candy?


About the e2 issue: If my dht is low, for whatever reason, I would get high e2 sides much quicker, as dht antagonizes e2 in receptors. I am pretty sure this is what is happening. I am somehow low test, low dht, and mid e2. Is the only combination that kinda makes sense of my physical and mental state at the moment.

Why would I have this reaction to test E?
Why are you taking arimidex with 225mg a week? I’ll be honest that could crash your sex drive. You need estrogen to feel good and to have your muscles feel full. Estrogen isn’t bad it just has to be in range with the test
if u need an AI on a trt dose TRT is not for u sorry
It is universally accepted that TRT or a cruise for that matter is a very individual thing. Every person responds differently and therefore his/her protocol must be tailored specifically for that person. Aromatase inhibitors are not that bad when used in moderation for the goals where benefits outweigh the risks.

For example if it improves persons quality of life while slightly impacting overall health vs feeling depressed and unmotivated to live life. So the choice is obvious. Again everybody is different and same protocol can't be applied to everyone, but there is always a solution no matter how well or not someone responds to synthetic Testosterone.

Care to explain your statement?
Your recipe is not basic at all.

With all due respect you guys have some horrible reading comprehension in here.

I did test 75mg EoD IM only for several weeks with nothing else and 4 or 5 days in I lost my libido. That's all. Forget the other shit because the problems started there. Pretend I didnt say anything about AI or serms.

My father using the same batch went through the same situation.

I couldn't troubleshoot it correctly because it didnt feel as any other test I have used, and it didnt trigger any similar high e2 symptoms I have had in the past. I have used way more test and maintained my libido. I have used way less and maintained my libido. And right now the only two people who have used this batch have had exactly the same result.

I dont understand why you guys are losing it here. Is the possibility that this test is off so impossible for you people to the degree you think I am lying or under placebo? What the fuck do I have to gain mate. I like QSC
With all due respect you guys have some horrible reading comprehension in here.

I did test 75mg EoD IM only for several weeks with nothing else and 4 or 5 days in I lost my libido. That's all. Forget the other shit because the problems started there. Pretend I didnt say anything about AI or serms.

My father using the same batch went through the same situation.

I couldn't troubleshoot it correctly because it didnt feel as any other test I have used, and it didnt trigger any similar high e2 symptoms I have had in the past. I have used way more test and maintained my libido. I have used way less and maintained my libido. And right now the only two people who have used this batch have had exactly the same result.

I dont understand why you guys are losing it here. Is the possibility that this test is off so impossible for you people to the degree you think I am lying or under placebo? What the fuck do I have to gain mate. I like QSC
Whatever dude. You format your posts really oddly and you just sporadically put random information throughout the post. Not sure why you think your dose of testosterone is the only thing linked to libido. Libido is very complicated. I think the placebo effect is massively strong with you. You are obviously not open to reason or actually looking for help. You have it all figured out and I think what you have figured out is really dumb. It's good that you're getting blood work though. Good on you for that.

I am not sure why I waste my time with these guys who say they're looking for help and then all they want to do is debate everyone and act like they know everything. Let me assure you that you know very little and I wish you the best of luck.