Simplicity, consistency, accountability

Day 3 of prop 105/wk. Weight down to 204.9, ten pounds down from my peak a few weeks ago. Feel so much better without all that fluid. Bp stable 121/80, fsbg 96. RHR stable around 70 which for me is terrible but that's what it's been for several weeks now so changing to prop so far has made no difference. Slept 8 hrs. Back to work today.

Survived minor oral surgery for a gum graft yesterday. They cut a chunk out of my palate and sewed it in place over a recessed area of gum on one of my molars. Im crazy phobic of the dentist but honestly it was no big deal. On liquid/soft diet for a few days while my mouth heals. Had to drop one of my last vices which was Zyn because I can't put nicotine in my mouth while healing from surgery. Switched to patches and plan to make an honest attempt to get off the nicotine entirely as i am well aware that it is incompatible with my long term health goals.

Wondering if I ought to do another short run of bpc to help make sure my graft takes. Upregulation of angiogenesis seems like it might increase the chances of a good outcome. I have TB500 on hand too so might run the full "wolverine stack" for enhanced healing.

Gym remodel progressing rapidly. Drywall repair complete after removal of unused climbing wall, obtained more flooring, painting today and new rack arrives, tomorrow will address flooring and install rack, maybe up and running this weekend if all goes well.

Restarting 1 on 1 therapy this week, my old therapist retired so starting anew with a new provider. Been going to meetings again which has been awesome especially in the context of tapering suboxone and all that that entails.

Still working way too much l. Look forward to one day reducing my hours but for the time being I'm committed to grind and get ahead, picking up extra at any opportunity.

Doing my best to juggle all the things to keep up with physical, mental, spiritual, social, and financial health. If only there were more hours in the day.

Thanks Brothers, little by little progress will be made.
just know that right now you have the cyp in your system on top of the prop. So you can’t judge anything yet.

I chose 6 weeks because that’s the general rule of thumb prior to doing blood work for the first time. But ya even that’s premature to really gauge how you feel.

Whatever you’ve decided on just stay with it.
Yeah i think ill pull labs at 6 weeks as the cyp should be gone by then, just to make sure I'm not crazy supraphysiological, to make sure my e2 is in range, and probably check prolactin as well as cbc, chem, lipids etc. But with the goal of staying at 105/wk for an additional 6 weeks before any further titration.

I feel pretty good now and hoping things continue to improve, but your point is well taken that the first 6 weeks will be subjectively skewed by the remnants of the long ester slowly metabolizing out
Day 4, morning wood returned. I am now 100% convinced that there is something to this whole propionate thing. It absolutely feels different. Maybe it's just the rate at which prop converts to DHT vs estrogen but so far I'm very happy.
The rock wall is a fun addition. This is a garage? It's huge
Thanks man. It's actually just a spare building that was on the property when we bought it, and honestly one of the reasons we bought this particular property. It used to be used as a music performance space for a jazz band or something. The building is 24x36, 12' high in the middle, and the climbing walls actually take up 2/3 of the area, 24x24, you just can't see them all from this angle. The training area is only 1/3 of the building, 12x24. But it will be enough, hopefully, although sometimes it does get crowded in there when my wife and I, plus our housemate and a friend or two, are all training simultaneously lol.. we used to have wall night with like 20-30 people but these days I can't be fucked lol
Just got caught back up. Looks like you're having success with the switch to prop. That's awesome man.

Also super jealous of the extra building you have and the sick gym that it's becoming. Pretty exciting stuff.

So many opportunities to wander off into the weeds Trenbolone along this path
Fixed that one for you lol.

Looking forward to future updates to see how your protocol methodically evolves with time.
Just got caught back up. Looks like you're having success with the switch to prop. That's awesome man.

Also super jealous of the extra building you have and the sick gym that it's becoming. Pretty exciting stuff.

Fixed that one for you lol.

Looking forward to future updates to see how your protocol methodically evolves with time.
Thanks for checking in Brother! Yeah feeling great man, feeling frisky again. I know I'll be sacrificing some anabolism on this protocol but tbh the feels are more important to me. Whatever it is about prop, it's working better for me. Maybe it's just the overall reduced dose, maybe it's less e2, whatever. It's doing what I hoped. Was chasing my wife around the bedroom this morning when two weeks ago I had no motivation or even desire to do so.

Yeah dude fucking psyched on the gym, I'll keep posting pics as it evolves over the weekend, this rack is absolutely insane and I'm excited to share the build. When it's all done I'll probably never leave my house again lmfao.

Weirdly some of my posts are going straight to moderation now so I'm not sure if this pic came through:

Thanks for checking in Brother! Yeah feeling great man, feeling frisky again. I know I'll be sacrificing some anabolism on this protocol but tbh the feels are more important to me. Whatever it is about prop, it's working better for me. Maybe it's just the overall reduced dose, maybe it's less e2, whatever. It's doing what I hoped. Was chasing my wife around the bedroom this morning when two weeks ago I had no motivation or even desire to do so.

Yeah dude fucking psyched on the gym, I'll keep posting pics as it evolves over the weekend, this rack is absolutely insane and I'm excited to share the build. When it's all done I'll probably never leave my house again lmfao.

Weirdly some of my posts are going straight to moderation now so I'm not sure if this pic came through:

View attachment 307078
I see the picture clearly!

It’s a wonderful feeling to regain libido. That’s one thing I’m looking forward to when I titrate down from max blast.
I see the picture clearly!

It’s a wonderful feeling to regain libido. That’s one thing I’m looking forward to when I titrate down from max blast.
Yeah man and it isn't just libido, I feel much more lively in general. I'm not sure exactly why but definitely liking lower dose prop much more than higher dose cyp.
Yeah man and it isn't just libido, I feel much more lively in general. I'm not sure exactly why but definitely liking lower dose prop much more than higher dose cyp.
I understand what you’re saying I think. Did you notice mood flattening from primo? Always does it to me.

Agree with you regarding prop though. Mast P + Test P is probably my favorite feel good stack. That’s where I’ll be heading post blast for some TRT+.
I understand what you’re saying I think. Did you notice mood flattening from primo? Always does it to me.

Agree with you regarding prop though. Mast P + Test P is probably my favorite feel good stack. That’s where I’ll be heading post blast for some TRT+.
I actually felt ok-ish on cyp+primo both at 210/105 and 280/70, though not as good as I do now. E2 was i think 28 at that time. Straight 210 cyp i felt like shit, e2 probably was too high though i don't know for sure. Now I feel great though I already lost mass, probably mostly water.

Don't tempt me with the masteron lol. Actually I'd love to try that some day, just not any day soon. Maybe for my 50th birthday present to myself (I'm 45 now). Sounds like it comes with most of the quality of life benefits of proviron, plus anabolism and some tissue specific SERM like effects. Sign me up!

Little iron art for the day:

Adult erector set. Step 15 of 30. This shit is crazy. 600 lbs of stacks. Learning the hard way to follow the directions exactly, especially when they say 'hand tighten only'

It's driving me a little crazy that the front half of the rack isn't perfectly square with the back. It's offset like 0.5 cm. I don't think it will affect function at all, it just bothers my old lol. I'm sure I'll stop seeing the imperfection eventually.

Don't tempt me with the masteron lol. Actually I'd love to try that some day, just not any day soon. Maybe for my 50th birthday present to myself (I'm 45 now). Sounds like it comes with most of the quality of life benefits of proviron, plus anabolism and some tissue specific SERM like effects. Sign me up!
Lol sorry that comment wasn't made to tempt you! You're not missing out on much. Straight test all perfectly dialed in is a close second in my book.

I'm getting more and more envious of your gym / rack set up by the day! Cannot wait to see the finished photoshoot of everything.
Lol sorry that comment wasn't made to tempt you! You're not missing out on much. Straight test all perfectly dialed in is a close second in my book.

I'm getting more and more envious of your gym / rack set up by the day! Cannot wait to see the finished photoshoot of everything.
Thanks Brother! Yeah I'm loving the test right now, crazy how differently the shorter ester feels. I'll definitely try add ons in the future, once I've found a stable base.

This rack is far and away the single best piece of equipment I could imagine. Rogue FM6 Twin if you're curious. Definitely came at a steep price though, hence all the overtime I've been working lately lol. The rack should be done today, still have some more work to do on the gym as a whole: new speaker mounts and setting up my campus board among others. Someone had asked you about forearm training, the campus board is definitely a good forearm exercise. Well more of a full upper body pulling power exercise, including forearms. You should try it! ;) Like this, though mine won't be this big. (climb up the rungs without using feet, 100% upper body pulling. Harder than it looks) --->
