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Help in adressing blood results after PCT!!


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I hope someone in this amazing community will be able to help me out in this,
Im 36 year old, did several not so successfull cycles before, where the last one was 10 weeks of 400mg npp per week+ 400mg testosterone Enanthate with aromasin 12.5 EOD throughout the entire cycle (i know today that it wasnt necessary unless actualy required), i did 2 weeks off everything and than 4 weeks PCT with clomid 50 mg+temoxifan 40 mg ED for 2 weeks followed by 25mg+20mg for 2.more weeks,
This protocol ended on december 2023, its been over 3 months now, and i have no libido at all which has been deteriorate to the point it is now, (started fine and decreased over time) , to check this i did blood tests and it appears that the LH came up very low at 1.0 IU/L and Estradiol (E2) high 166 pmol/L, both SHBG and total testosterone and also FSH are in range, so i assume that only the LH and the E2 explains the low libido issue, to the best of your knowledge, what can i do to resolve this? Should i take any SERM or AI to adress the high E2? And for the LH should i start HCG protocol right away? Will it do any good in restoring the natural LH production or only provide a temporary fix? I will very much appriciate any of your professional experience, im a little anxious about it and hope i could find the answer here... Thanks in advance
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Everyone only has a limited number of cycles they can PCT from before the HPTA is essentially broken. You could try running 25mg Clomid for a few months to see if you can get those numbers up, but you might need trt at this point if things don’t return to at least half of baseline.
The older you get, it gets harder and longer to bounce back naturally, hence it is advisable not to take steroids unless you are fully aware that the chance of not bouncing back to your starting numbers is there.

You can do another pct protocol and might or not recover, but I think you just need more time then reassess again; three months might not be enough considering you’re over 30. Sorry to inform you that there is a chance that trt is one of your options to feel better in the future.

Good luck.
If your test is in range and your e2 is high, I would start there. Try a low dose ai and see how you feel. Don’t wanna shotgun the problem with a bunch of drugs and not know what the real solution is.

Trying another PCT with hcg this time is worth a shot. But if your e2 is already high it’s probably going to go even higher with that option.

Nandrolone metabolites can stay in your system for many months. As others have said you might just need to wait longer. Or of course the easiest solution is TRT. And it’s probably safer than taking hcg, clomid, an ai, and nolva for another 2-3 months.
Thank you all for the response!
I actaullay previously planned to start a new cycle on April 1st but after getting these blood results today, i think ill have anoter PCT trying to regulate the blood values before starting any new cycle, i tend to go with the option of dosing the minimal substances required to normalize the blood results, i thought maybe HCG to adress the low LH issue, and for the high Estradiol im still not sure wether to go with either Clomid/Temoxifan/Aromasin and for how long? What would your pick be In terms of HCG - dosage and duration?
Clomid or Temoxifan or Aromasin dosage and duration?
Thank you all for the response!
I actaullay previously planned to start a new cycle on April 1st but after getting these blood results today, i think ill have anoter PCT trying to regulate the blood values before starting any new cycle, i tend to go with the option of dosing the minimal substances required to normalize the blood results, i thought maybe HCG to adress the low LH issue, and for the high Estradiol im still not sure wether to go with either Clomid/Temoxifan/Aromasin and for how long? What would your pick be In terms of HCG - dosage and duration?
Clomid or Temoxifan or Aromasin dosage and duration?
You should try hcg mono-therapy. It's the last resort. You basically nuke your balls with hcg at 2000 iu doses 3 times a week for 6 months. If your balls have shrank you may have to do an additional 6 months at 1000 iu 3 times a week. Followed by clomid at 100iu every day, split dose, for 2 to 3 months.

That will fix it and will put your test levels in the high normal range.
You should try hcg mono-therapy. It's the last resort. You basically nuke your balls with hcg at 2000 iu doses 3 times a week for 6 months. If your balls have shrank you may have to do an additional 6 months at 1000 iu 3 times a week. Followed by clomid at 100iu every day, split dose, for 2 to 3 months.

That will fix it and will put your test levels in the high normal range.
My nigga. ❤️