Suggestions about Clomid after azoospermia

Ok, thank you! I'll try again in 8 weeks with 50mg/day.
I guess also my testosterone will increase since with 25mg/day it reached 6 ng/ml.

My wife is worried since she is already 37 years old (like me), so we cannot lose other months, unfortunately.
Be careful with your mood at 50mg. I did this at 10mg a day of clomid after 4 weeks of 50mg. It took just over 3 months to get a swimmer through.

It takes time for your body to produce new sperm.

That said, your numbers are good enough to knock her up for sure so get to work on laying pipe.
Thank you for your advice!
I started to take 50 mg of Clomid since two days and I'll check the situation in a week: if I find something strange in my mood or in my vision, I'll lower the dose back to 25 mg/day.

Doctor told me the same, but the chances are surely lower since I just have 2 millions of sperms compared to 140 millions before the testo.

Just a curiosity: what is the meaning of "get a swimmer through"? I tried to search it on google, but I found nothing. I'm not an english speaker, I never heard this expression.
It took me just over 3 months for a viable sperm to get my wife pregnant.

The expression: Swimmer = sperm
Through = sperm connects with egg

Sorry, its some very old English slang.
Wow, thank you for explaining! never heard this expression! I learned something new!

3 months while taking Clomid or have you used it only for only 4 weeks?

I'm pretty sure I will come back to zero sperms as soon as I quit Clomid.
So if I quit it in three months, then I'll be again at the same starting point of one month ago.
I'm pretty sure I will come back to zero sperms as soon as I quit Clomid

Very unlikely.

It shouldn't be a surprise that taking testosterone shut down your own testosterone production.... the term PCT never came up in your research?

Regardless, it's tremendously rare to find someone that has permanent endocrine problems from one cycle - and those people that do are the ones that already had preexisting issues, which definitely doesn't seem to be the case with your first sperm count reading.

Long story short: go bang your wife and try to put this out of your mind, it will improve regardless of whether you take any drugs.
Thank you for your support and answer!

Probably I'm wrong, but as far as I know, PCT acts as a transition period between the end of the cycle and the period when the body will start to produce natural hormones again and it is used to avoid the testosterone levels to drop too much. So as soon as you quit the PCT, your body's hormones should be zero again and slowly start to raise. So, if that's true, when I quit the Clomid, my body should come back to zero for some weeks before starting to recover.

Moreover, using Clomid for more than 2 or 3 months, could desensitize the pituatory gland and so when I quit it, the natural feedback won't be received immediately..

Yeah, I know I'm overthinking it.. :D