meal prep

  1. Metribolone

    Methods to Increase Appetite

    I felt like making a list of things that help appetite as it’s something I struggle with. Drugs that increase appetite 1) Ghrelin agonists (mk677, Anamorelin, GHRP-6, etc) - These drugs bind to the Ghrelin receptor and agonize it similarly to Ghrelin, the hunger hormone. These Drugs are also...
  2. Metribolone

    How many calories a day should I be aiming for?

    I just keep losing weight more and more due to my shitty diet. I went from 135lbs to 120 and now I’m down to 118. Fuck me im going to fly away in the wind. I am going to begin meal prepping and making sure I get 3 meals a day, but I don’t know how many calories to aim for to reach 140lbs in...
  3. M

    Chicken Salad anyone?

    So, I love chicken salad. But I fucking hate mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is a disgusting creation and just thinking about consuming it and incorporating that guck into my being makes me want to vomit. But guess what? You can make some BOMB ass chicken salad with no fat greek yogurt instead of...