
  1. HornyDolphin

    3 years Natural Transformation

    Hey everyone just wanted to share a few pics of my natural 3 year transformation from 123lbs to current 165lb. Sorry i don't know how to make the image size smaller. Been doing a good amount of reading through the forums and educating myself. Considering about doing my first cycle this winter...
  2. L

    AI monotherapy

    Hey Meso, while doing my research on PEDs I learned that AIs have different effects on naturals than people on steroids. Since the HPTA is not suppressed, the AI does not crash your estrogen completely because of the negative feedback loop. Since aromasin does not seem to have adverse effects...
  3. P


    Stopped using gear at the start of august. Was on for about 7 months. Did two months pct, taking 25mg clomid daily. Have not recovered. Am still feeling low t symptoms. Is it safe to say I'm not going to recover my natural Test levels, or should I wait more?
  4. gacela

    Natural supplements to increase testosterone levels?(recommendations / opinions)

    What natural supplements (not PEDs) are there reliable results of actually increasing testosterone levels? I would like to know different opinions and experiences of supplements of this type, for example: tribulus, ashwagandha, zma .. or supplements that are combinations of these or other...
  5. D

    Natty with HIGH SHBG

    Hey guys, I'm 29 165lb about 13% bf. I've been battling this brain fog/ libido issue for the past year. It just randomly came on one day. I went to get blood work and found out my test levels were 800+ but my SHBG is like 63.6 I've tried boron and I take vitamins. I'm about to hit 30 and...
  6. J

    Ready to Quit

    So recently, I have decided to quite juicing altogether and today marks the last day of my cycle. Which was 9 weeks of testosterone Acetate at 900mg. Testosterone acetate has a similar half life to prop, so wondering if waiting 10 days to start pct would be about right? Also in the 10 day window...