new guy

  1. D

    Howdy from Texas

    Good morning everyone - new member here. I'm 30 years old - started gear at 25. Went straight to b&c rather than pct after my first cycle. I never knew a website like this existed - would've saved me a lot of time and effort throughout the years. Looking forward to communicating with yall & if...
  2. C

    Hey Everyone

    Hey Everyone, Just joined the forum and wanted to introduce myself. I’m a 32yo male living in the USA. I’ve been strength training for over a decade but have made major lifestyle changes the past few years in the pursuit of strength, longevity, and overall physical and mental health. After...
  3. B

    Hey guys

    Hey guys, nice to meet you all. I’m a 31yr old from NYC. I’ve been lifting since high school but was never able to get super toned. I got pretty badly out of shape during COVID lockdowns but since then I’ve been on a fitness/body recomp journey and have managed to cut my bf% in half (down to...
  4. HeatherSwanson

    New Canadian Member

    Hi everyone. Checked in here a few times over the years as a lurker to see what was new and exciting in the BB world, what labs were performing and experienced community members opinions on cycling. About me, I'm late 30's, been training since I was 13. Seriously since I was 17. Though I've...
  5. crater

    New Member

    I've been lurking here for a few months and have bought a stock pile of Cypionate for my TRT 160mg a week. I have now started playing with Anavar and am thinking of adding Primo and do a mini cycle 400mg of cyp/primo. Thanks for all the info I've learned in the forums.
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    Stop spoon feeding these people!

    "Could I see a list of your latest inventory? Thx in advance! Looking for peptides HGH and test c." "where is that hplc test posted? link it" These type of questions are being asked over and over again. There are people who will just come here and post to look for sources, that is not the...
  7. A

    New from Italy

    Hi all, I’ve been reading around for month and now I can’t wait to join the discussions. Best from Italy
  8. VandTuica10Lei


    Hello , I'm am working in IT industry. I'm 28. I've had a history of lifting since I was a kid but I usually choose the path of partying and studying and never lifted consistently as a kid/teenager. Back in college I've lifted for a few months and packing on some decent gains to be honest. But...
  9. R

    readalot (aka tareload) introduction

    Hello Fellow Body Dysmorphia [sic] sufferers. Looks like I have made to to the audition at Meso (after ExcelMale and I have basically parted ways and TNation as well haha). Spent years on TNation and ExcelMale under the handle Readalot and then Tareload (long and silly story). If you are really...
  10. J

    New member

    Hey guys , im here to learn about substances and get advice + look for sources Im mostly going to use steriods and other substances to develop my frame more but muscle is also a goal
  11. M

    newbie :)

    Hello everyone, I just joined, and I'd like to introduce myself. I am 24 yr old army vet, and after months of battling with self-isolation, anxiety, and depression with antidepressants, I began to look into testosterone replacement therapy. My levels were in the 200s, so I tried to improve them...
  12. S

    High concentration recipe

    Anyone got a good recipe for making more concentrated test C from raw? Everything I find is like 250 and I don’t feel like injecting 3 mls every time I inject.
  13. S

    New member introduction

    I’m a 28 year old guy, who just started his AAS journey this year. I’m not looking for huge gains in size, only looking to push my athletic performance a bit over my limitations. I’m aware of the risks, but still trying to minimize them. I’m planning to do one cycle a year, and trying to keep my...
  14. D

    So the fun begins!

    Hello, I am a 180cm tall 85kg 24-year-old guy. I have been lifting weights for about 8 years now so you can imagine I struggle a bit with any progress. Anyway before I jump into the PED train I would like to extend my knowledge. Could you give me some tips for threads? Looking forward to...
  15. I

    New member

    New member here. I just jumped into this rabbit hole in order to get well educated and find good sources for gear. Not trynna get extremely huge or compete just an average guy who lifts with his gym bros and want to go a little bit above my natural capabilities. Only interested in Test E or C US...
  16. C

    Hey yall!

    I'm super excited to be apart of this community and hoping to further it! I am in my mid 20s now finishing up a bachelors of science in health and hoping to continue my degree into more pharmacology + pharmacokinetics The gym saved my life, in my early 20s I had/ still have extreme anxiety...
  17. P

    New Member

    To those that care I am obviously a new member here. However I am not new to gear or working out. Im 38 and have done things the wrong way and what I’d like to think is the right way. Threw all my experiences I have learned that learning new information never stops and that you should never...
  18. H


    Good Evening I'm Andrew Just joined a week ago and finally getting around to posting in the forum here. I am an academic researcher into Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs (IPEDs) and work as a Senior Harm Reduction worker focusing on offering help and support to those that use IPEDs and...
  19. J

    New Member!

    What’s up MESO! New to this sort of scene, been working out for roughly 5 years now just looking to cross to the dark side. Biggest thing I’m curious about is what kind of bloods I should get done before I start out on a cycle? Does it differ depending on what I’m taking? If they are covered by...
  20. Panterra Noir

    New member, what’s up Meso!

    What’s up gang, I’m a 28 year old from the US and have been training for about 15 years. I was a D1 collegiate athlete and have been an on-again/off-again powerlifter. Now I’m a certified strength and conditioning coach (CSCS) who’s looking to dabble in some bodybuilding after a lifetime of...
  21. J

    Hello, first cycle preparation

    Hi everyone! I'll first off say how great a community you guys have here, great support, advice and patience for all the new folk starting their journey. I've been doing some research for the last month or so on what would be my first circle. It has changed significantly given the more I've...
  22. B

    New guy!

    Hey guys doing my name's Fred. I'm from Southern new Hampshire. I'm at 36-year-old male. I've had 4 right shoulder surgeries and I'm on the tail end of having my ACL MCL and meniscus done so I'm going to be taking it easy on legs for a while still, but I am in the middle of trying to get my 4th...
  23. Mister Loco

    Need advice - 2nd cycle

    Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well. I'm looking to start my second cycle of 500mg Test E with 250mg Deca for 10 weeks. I'm considering Deca because of its benefits related to joints, I know NPP is an alternative option and maybe I will have to reconsider before moving forward with this...
  24. Mountainman385

    Semi-New to meso! Help me get involved?

    Hey guys! Been following me so and all the other forums for about 8 years or more but never signed up on any and participated until now. Decided to finally get involved in the community. Have done several cycles before, am a personal trainer and business owner as well. Show me the ropes of using...
  25. A

    New guy

    Hello, joined meso because it's the only forum I trust. Little about me: Mid twenties, live in UK, like strongman, powerlifting, bodybuilding. No bullshit, no scams. Looking to get some more knowledge and share experiences. Thanks for having me.