newbies help

  1. danieleisit

    First cycle looking to go from 25bf to 12bf

    looking for opinions How long would you say is better to run the cycle of 125 mg of test and 200mg of drostanolone and would a high dosage of test e help such as 175mg a week or 218mg with the 200mg of drostanolone. Or remove testosterone totally And run 300mg of drostanolone And primo...
  2. R

    Newbie to steroids.

    Hey, just interest in starting a cycle. Don’t have supplies yet. How often would one dosage/inject cypionate test, at 125? Twice a week? Looking to do 250 working up to 350-400 near end of cycle. Has 2-3 week in system? I will get arimidex for over estrogen. Might start HCG at 3rd week to...
  3. bigrobbie

    Acronyms, abbreviations, etc...for the newbie to discussion forums!

    This is an acronym list I posted a couple years ago to help newbies to AAS discussion forums with some of our lingo, abbreviations, etc... I hope this can be a help sometime. [I am aware the grouping / outline could use a little better organization but til I restructure it this will have to...