
  1. InjuredGorilla

    Post cycle bloods, how they look ?

    Been 3 weeks since i finished the cycle i did which was: 250mg test e 600mg mast p 400mg npp 60mg Var the cycle lasted 9 weeks in total, which Var was only in the final 6-6.5 weeks. Bloods drawn last week, got the results now, that what i managed to get out of the doc if you guys recommend...
  2. M

    Opinion on cycle for joint recovery.

    Hi guys, I would like to get your opinion on my cycle. First my stats: I'm 25, 182cm in height and weigh 100kilos. This is my 4 cycle. Im just getting of a mcl surgery in the knee and want to try something to speed my recovery up. I have been on hgh about half a year, 5 units of alpha...
  3. T

    Comment on my cycle with opinions and theory's.

    OK so I'm running my second cycle. My first was 10 weeks of test e 250 x2 pw. Weeks 5-10 dbol 30 Mg's. Gained 6kg fat levels stayed around the same I understand water retention and blood volume is extra weight. I've managed to keep all the weight and bodyfat fairly the same on a 300mg of test e...