Hello, i need some help tbh, what pct should i use for RAD-140? and which is the most safest source where i can get from? Thanks for the help (dont judge me im new in this)
I just pinned my last pins of test and mast on my 15 week cycle. I have used 5000 iu of hcg and I have deus enclomiphene as my pct. I just haven’t decided on the dosing yet so is 2 weeks of 25mg and 2 weeks of 12.5mg enough? Also Is 3 weeks enough between the start of pct and last pin? I used...
Hello MESO, we are Blackbird Pharma! A new manufacturer and vendor of AAS and PCT products.
We strive to produce our products of the highest quality and safety in mind of the end user. Our recipes are tailored to every compond to use the least amount of solvents possible, while keeping the...
I'm coming off a major blast of nandrolone decanoate and boldenone undecylenate and sustanon. Sustanon is simpler as you can simply plot out the serum concentration of the longest ester of exogenous testosterone and when it reaches below about 100 ng/dl of exogenous testosterone then PCT is...
Started AAS at 24 years old. Using non-stop for 2 years and decided, that this is not for me anymore.
Pre AAS:
Total T - 4.33 (2.3 - 9)
Free T - 21.31 (7 - 22.7)
Estradiol - 15 (11 - 44)
SHBG, Albumin, FSH, LH - didn't measure
1st Cycle (2024 May - August) 14 weeks + 5 weeks cruise 150 mg Test...
age 26, took AAS 2 years non stop, now will start pct with year 2025 (waiting for long esters to clear).
Currently 200 Test E, 200 Mast P, 3 IU GH (bulk).
Will write post what I took, then my PCT plan then publish blood work results every 6 weeks (probably for at least 1 year+).
Hello fellas. Im looking for educational advice for my upcoming "blast" which revolves around a large PCT, non suppressant drugs and finally natural remedies (mostly following vigerioussteves' natural HPTA supplement suggestions).
About myself: Been BnC'ing for the past 10 years. Just turned 29...
looking for opinions
How long would you say is better to run the cycle of 125 mg of test and 200mg of drostanolone and would a high dosage of test e help such as 175mg a week or 218mg with the 200mg of drostanolone.
Or remove testosterone totally
And run 300mg of drostanolone
Hello everyone, I am close to finishing an 8 week cycle with the following mg of these compounds, masteron 150mg, test enanthate 300mg and Tren enanthate 150 mg, all injected bi weekly.
Now I would like to ask anyone’s recommendation on a proper pct protocol to prevent my nuts from shrinking of...
Names Max.
30 years old.
5 ft 6
Lifetime of being overweight/borderline obese.
highest weight I've been is 260lbs, currently sitting at 200lbs.
Eating whatever I want and training 5-6 times a week with 15-20k steps per day as cardio.
Lifting weights consistently for the last 8 months, had some...
Hi to all,
I usually run cycles with only 250mg/ml Testo Enanthate per week for 16-24 weeks, then I wait two weeks after the last injection and start taking Clomid.
All the times, after four weeks with Clomid, my testosterone comes back to normal values 4.5-5ng/ml as well as LH and FSH.
I made this post in the hopes of people sharing their long term experiences on b&c/trt. And to discuss questions with each other. There are a lot of stories shared especially on reddit but here, it’s scattered throughout.
There is a lot of different opinion about
Hey y'all. I'm 21 years old with 3 years of solid natural lifting under my belt. I wanted to ask everyone about my full plan for my first cycle and how I plan to go about it. I've been doing a lot of research (past 3-4 weeks around 3+ hours a day reading). I'm 5'10 (178cm) @16% BF and 220lbs...
How to pct correctly after a 10-12 weeks cycle of deca and test? I heard deca can stay in your system for a long time, even several months. Will the dosage of deca after several months still be suppressing my test? If I use NPP, will it also stay in my system for months, even if it's a shorter...
When on PCT should I keep the diet as it was on cycle or should I reduce to what my new maintenance would be ?
Also how long should I wait until I will be able to start a cut as I do plan to cut naturally after my cycle. Or would that be a bad idea even after a few months as I will absolutely...
Hey Meso Community!
Introducing PCT.ZONE - Your trusted, affordable generic medicines supplier, both domestically and internationally. We're here to ensure every bodybuilder has access to the best in medication.
WEBSITE: https://pctzone.ru
Telegram: PCT.ZONE (www.pctzone.ru)
A Little About...
This has been lingering inside my mind lately. Let's say someone recently finished their cycle of Test + Primo or any other compound, they do their pct or hcg, what's next?
Is there a waiting period before you can do another cycle? Do people do it right after the pct?
All these questions really...
im just finishing my first cycle, 250mgTestE e3d for 15 weeks, feel the best I've ever felt, had my last pin today (14.8.23)
i have HCG and Clomid for my PCT and i know i need to wait 2-3 weeks for the Test to leave my system (enanthate) to start on clomid, but was wondering when is the...
Finished a 16 week basic test C 500 cycle. Gained nearly 20lbs of muscle doing great. Last injection was about 10 days ago. I have nolvadex and aromasin in hand but I really am not feeling the need. Should I start Nolvadex just in case? I wanted to start cruising but I think now a break won’t...
I decided to incorporate Anavar into my TRT protocol about 250mg/week obviously a bit over an actual TRT protocol. My Anavar Dosage went up to 50mg per day and was told that it wasn't such a good idea with issues on the heart. I stopped taking anavar but I definitely don't feel the effects of...
30 Y.O. lifter I enjoy body building and power building. I did my first and only cycle summer 2019 and mann was it a blast. I came across some Dbol and test E it was a good time. Unfortunately had to stop because I had no A.I. and my nips started turning into marshmallows. I was able to get my...
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