
  1. 2

    Calum von moger cycle?

    hey guys, do you guys know what calum von moger cycle might be ? , I like his physique and I know I'm not gonna get a physique identical to his if I tried, but just want a similar classic style physique like his and Arnold's
  2. 2

    New plz help

    Hi guys new guy here, so I've tried pharmacoms test cyp as a basic beginner cycle , I was pinning 400mg/week but no change.but I'm pretty sure it was bunk cause I didn't experience anything out of the ordinary . I've been wanting to start an actual cycle but am finding it very difficult , can...
  3. case3307

    D/bol T/bol Sust question. Please Help

    So my "normal" cycle is; 12 weeks 500 mgs of Sustanon/ week - 250 on Monday - 250 on Thursday 40 mgs of Dbol / daily - first 4 weeks to kickstart Nolva/ Chlomid for pct and gyno management. I have run this cycle probably 6 times and always made good gains. I ordered from my normal source and...