
  1. Training till failure

    How do you react to a message?

    Hi all, Was wondering how do I react to a message with a thumbs up etc?
  2. MWKiller

    Trenbolone Reaction?

    Has anyone heard of Them causing a reaction that feels somewhat like a tightening/burning of muscles in the center of the chest and going up through the neck and under the chin...lasting about 10 minutes, accompanied with light headedness....about 30 seconds after the shot of Pharm 3 (esthers)...
  3. aanold

    Weird feeling after eating using 2 iu / day

    Guys, I’m gonna try to give you as much info as possible to see if this makes sense to anyone. I’ve been running 2 iu if HGH (Ansomone) per day for 4 months now. Yes, I have read the threads regarding Chinese HGH and I feel good about the current quality of what I am receiving. Results have...