
  1. Kimmuay

    Advice for my cutting cycle please.

    Hallo, i am recently started HGH and now using 2 IU everyday and looking or advise which compound i shoudl use for my cuttign cycle for 15 week in total. Iam 1,70M tall and weight 78KG and around 18-20% bodyfat. recently finish my bulke with test 500mg and npp 300mg for 10 weeks in may and now...
  2. musclesiege

    Next Blast Recommendations

    Meso, I am wrapping up my Test 500 blast in a couple weeks then going to cut in cruise for 8 weeks. I am planning my next blast and looking for any feedback so I can order gear ahead of time especially with some primo delays. I responded very well to the test blast in gaining muscle, losing...
  3. B

    Recomp Cycle Feedback (without Tren)

    Recently did a 14 week gaining blast. I got my pro card in classic physique prior to this blast so was very lean in the start but I think bf% is a bit too high now. Weight went 170->200 over the 14 weeks. Bodyfat went from around 7% to 18ish% though. Height is 5'8". Planning a cut now for a...
  4. acetate jake

    Injectable Superdrol

    Recently picked up a vial of Injectable Superdrol 40mg/ml Only tried it twice so far preworkout 8-10mg. I've notice some nice juicy pumps (I drink 16oz orange juice during my workouts ~60 carbs) . This stuff eats glycogen and fulls the muscles like tren, very comparable compound in the gym...
  5. B

    EQ - the way to go vascular?

    Greetings Meso brothers, So I’d like to pick your brains about a complementary compound to add to my next cycle to start off 2022 with style and transform my physique nicely in time for summer. Stats: -207 lbs (94 kg) -bf% relatively lean (see pic) -6’1” -23 y/o -number of cycles: something...
  6. B

    Anadrol & Winstrol stack?

    Hello, I recently started my second cycle 5 weeks ago. This cycle consists of 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate, and 400mg of Masteron Enanthate. I am beginning to feel the effects of the Testosterone but recently dropped the Masteron due to hair shedding. I am looking to do somewhat of a recomp...
  7. mp46

    Training Log - MacBuilt

    Decided to start this as I'm sure some people will be wondering what some of @MacBuilt 's clients are up to and how it's going. I'll update as I go, the more interaction there is here more likely I'll keep this updated more frequently. Goals: MB asked what my long term goal was, and he probably...
  8. Maelstrom

    Massive Recomp - Thoughts

    Hey guys, Firstly, I guess this counts as my introduction here. Though, I've been a member since last year. I just never felt the need to post until now. If anyone wants the full backstory of why I jumped on gear, let me know where to post that. However, this thread is intended primarily to...
  9. StillMind

    First cycle log

    what’s going on guys! I’ve been a long time lurker for about two years now. Have been lifting for about 15 years on and off. And seriously lifting for about 7. I’m 6’2 195 dehydrated, 200 average walking weight. After getting back, I’ve recomp’d down to 12% from 185 at over 15% bf. My heaviest...