
  1. AlphaPitTD

    Help Diagnosing Hamstring Injury (first hand experience)

    So yesterday i was deadlifting doing my warm up sets when i got to 455lbs and was going to bust it out for a quick 3 then move up. I felt strong as hell and was going to go over 100lbs heavier than that. Looking back i feel like a total dipshit because i havent deadlifted in 6 months and im...
  2. silv10

    Recovering From Cruise

    Hello , im a young 20 year old guy , i started my cruise and blast when i was 19 and its going on its 7 month , in my cruise i used 250mg sust every week and masteron sometimes , what are the chances for me to recover my natural testosterone? i was planning in using 100mg clomid (pharma grade)...