
  1. Black Beard

    Opti Black tops // GH serum results

    Opti Black tops ; Didn't like the side effects (Hunger, headaches, stinging at injection site) so i'm not using them anymore. Excellent serum results. Only had these sides from junk grade purple panda HGH and GHRPs. I would have chalked it up to individual reaction but my wife had the same...
  2. Scruf


    Members please advise as to what these results mean. The attached test result is for Omnitrope 5.8mg. The vial expired in 2018 and was recently tested by Janoshik.. The results posted say that the vial only contained 4.48mg rather than 5.8mg. Should this be a concern? The result says 96.6% pure...
  3. Black Beard

    Meditrope HGH log (Mauve tops, Yellow tops, etc)

    I've been running the meditrope brand for a few months now and have run several HGH and IGF-1 serum tests on them. I'll be using this long-term for anti-aging purposes, i test every single kit, vial, raw powder i order for HGH/AAS/etc. So i will be regularly testing my growth hormone. I...
  4. GMTPepsi

    Three quick questions about TEST-E :-)

    Hi guys, First of all - so nice to see a forum like this, that helps each other. Faith in humanity restored, lol. 1) Test-e 500mg. Should you inject 250mg twice a week - og 500mg once per week? This is for a "first cycle". 2) AI, should you take 0.25 or 0.5 each day? 3) When would you expect...
  5. Jason908

    Thoughts on my testosterone results? (natural)

    Hi, I'm currently looking into training PEDS etc and have never done a cycle and got my bloodwork done because I was interested, my results came back to 52 nmo/L or 1498 ng/dL (8.0-30.0) Reference range on my blood test sheet would this be considered unnatural? not sure if this is a good...
  6. E

    Post before and after pics of your first steroid cycle

    Im about to run my first cycle and am curious what others ppl gains were like.
  7. RandallNowan

    Blood Results from EQ and TC cycle

    Hi, folks. I wasn't able to draw bloods at 48 hours, it was an abnormally long time at 90 hours post pin (wouldn't normally even be that long between pins, but... Circumstances beyond my control). Weeks 1-3 300mg EQ E3D and 300mg TestC E3D Weeks 4-6 500mg EQ E3D and 500mg TestC E3D. These...
  8. Anavarnarian

    Lab Results for first Homebrew

    Just got my bloods taken last week. I'm on week 10 of a 16 weeker: 500mg Test E & 666mg EQ 2x week with 75mg Test Prop EOD and 75mg Anavar ED. Got these results in today, first time making sense of bloods so if you guys can let me know if my gear doses seem to coincide with the levels that...