sarm pct

  1. Bg954

    Winstrol 20mg and Anavar 10mg oral need help

    Im new to this site and have a few questions. Im 35 years old, 5-10 and weight 240lbs with 25% body fat. I'm taking Test cypionate 200mg a week injection that is dr regulated for low T for about 6months now. The stuff I'm taking is cvs stuff . I am working out 5 times a week, eating clean, and...
  2. J

    SARM PCT Help

    So this is my first post on mesoRX and i am intending to run my first ever 6 week cycle of ostarine and lgd4033. i have done a lot of research upon how i should run this, and my plan looks currently like this: Week 1 to 3: 4mg lgd, 20mg osta ED Week 4 to 6: 8mg lgd, 20mg osta ED I have heard...