sex drive

  1. M

    Libido gone after 2 doses of GW 0742 - QSC

    Hi, i bought gw 0742 from QSC so its analyzed. I used 20mg wich was to high of a dose as it gave me headache, so i stopped afterward to take a break. But i also realized my libido was gone. I tried looking on reddit and i saw a few post with people experincing the same thing. Its been 3 weeks...
  2. G

    “Noticing” women more on tren?

    Recently started a 12 week cut cycle with 100 tren/mast/test EOD, and 500 iu of HCG 24 hours after each injection. I am outlandishly horny right now. No anger or aggression issues, I feel pretty happy and calm. But I notice women, even older women (in their late 60s), especially their curves...
  3. A

    Low Libido 3+ Years After Test Cycle, On TRT, Help Please!

    Hi guys, first time poster on the Meso RX forums. I’m 26 with a past history of AAS. Superdrol when I was 19, I could buy it OTC. 2 test cycles in 2015, the first of which had 6 weeks superdrol front load along with 4 weeks of Tren from 150mg up to 350mg. I guess I did them too close...
  4. FutureMrO

    Low sex drive on cycle

    hey guys what’s up, long time no see haha!!! So I’m currently on cycle sus tren a and eq with anadrol. I’m only 2 weeks in and already can see a differences. Diet is very clean with 1 cheat meal a week and no cardio atm as I want to see how much I can grow on the anadrol. Dosage isn’t crazy...
  5. Torcida

    Looking to Kill my Libido/Sex Drive

    As the title of the thread says, I am looking to kill my Libido/Sex Drive, as well as put on muscle in the meantime. A bit of backstory, I am going for a surgery, Tightened Frenulum. Without getting too graphic, it's where the foreskin under the head of the penis is short or damaged. What the...
  6. A

    Low Libido after Cycle/High Natty Test

    30 yrs of age, been lifting 10 yrs or so. I did 500 mg a week of test enanthate for 9 weeks. No AI, nothing else in the cycle. Gained 15 lbs. Around the 7th or 8th week I got ED big time. I came off after week 9. Waited 2 weeks and started a natural PCT of Unleahsed and Testron for a month. I...