Hi, i bought gw 0742 from QSC so its analyzed.
I used 20mg wich was to high of a dose as it gave me headache, so i stopped afterward to take a break. But i also realized my libido was gone. I tried looking on reddit and i saw a few post with people experincing the same thing. Its been 3 weeks...
Recently started a 12 week cut cycle with 100 tren/mast/test EOD, and 500 iu of HCG 24 hours after each injection. I am outlandishly horny right now. No anger or aggression issues, I feel pretty happy and calm.
But I notice women, even older women (in their late 60s), especially their curves...
Hi guys, first time poster on the Meso RX forums.
I’m 26 with a past history of AAS.
Superdrol when I was 19, I could buy it OTC. 2 test cycles in 2015, the first of which had 6 weeks superdrol front load along with 4 weeks of Tren from 150mg up to 350mg.
I guess I did them too close...
hey guys what’s up, long time no see haha!!!
So I’m currently on cycle sus tren a and eq with anadrol. I’m only 2 weeks in and already can see a differences. Diet is very clean with 1 cheat meal a week and no cardio atm as I want to see how much I can grow on the anadrol. Dosage isn’t crazy...
As the title of the thread says, I am looking to kill my Libido/Sex Drive, as well as put on muscle in the meantime.
A bit of backstory, I am going for a surgery, Tightened Frenulum. Without getting too graphic, it's where the foreskin under the head of the penis is short or damaged. What the...
30 yrs of age, been lifting 10 yrs or so.
I did 500 mg a week of test enanthate for 9 weeks. No AI, nothing else in the cycle. Gained 15 lbs. Around the 7th or 8th week I got ED big time. I came off after week 9. Waited 2 weeks and started a natural PCT of Unleahsed and Testron for a month. I...
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