
  1. D

    Considering starting cycle at 17 years of age

    17m here, i compete in untested Jiu Jitsu. a few of my friends (lifters around the same age) are on their first cycles of test cyp (200-400/week) i’m planning on taking 250/week and to then build up to 350 at the end of my cycle i’ve done enough research to understand the side effects of taking...
  2. Z

    First Steroid Cycle - Advice

    I'm a 19-year-old (20 in August) university student (training since 14-years-old), and I feel truly ready to take the plunge in to the world of AAS. My first cycle would not only be something of an experiment, to test my body's responses and tolerances, but it would also give me permanent...
  3. W

    Never Recovered From Steroids - Teen

    Hey, I am a new poster on this website because I am unable to find solid information on my situation. So, when I was around 16 years old or so, almost 17, I asked an adult I knew for steroids and was warned, but ultimately given them. Before you call me stupid, I was completely unaware on the...
  4. A

    Teenagers And Clen

    I dont know anything about clen, except that it isnt actually a steroid and that its used to lose fat fast, also that its even used on babies. Would it be stupid to use clen during a cut when i'm 16 years old? if so, how long should I cycle it and how much should be taken? do i need a pct?
  5. A

    What age should I start my first cycle?

    Hey, I was wondering what everyones opinion is on what the youngest age is to start your first cycle. I'm 16 years old myself and just have some questions you know? From what ive read there isn't a whole lot of research done on teenagers using steroids but have heard guys talking about how it'll...