
  1. jumpyfrog

    Cannot find the "sweet spot" of AI.

    My cycle: 10 weeks @ 650 mg Test 400 Sis lab per week - 50mg anavar ED - HCG 500iu per week in 2 injections My stats: 181 cm - 90 kg - 32yo - Naturally low body fat So I am not fully enjoying my cycle: the second week I started to feel extremely anxious and I found out that my symptoms were...
  2. madeinengland91

    PIP test 400

    Hi guys, I've been on a 12 week cycle of test 400 pro Chem labs. Also tren E 300 along side for the first 8 weeks and a 4 week kick start with dbol 50mg a day. Whole cycle all in all went well! However.... My last jab was on Thursday just gone and I jabbed 1ml test 400 in my left delt...
  3. Thesauceboss

    Kept 20 lbs without pct

    Hey I ran a cycle of test 400 at 600mg ew, tren ace at 400mg ew, and anavar at 60mg every week. I had gained 44 pounds from this cycle and was able to maintain 10% body fat. I know this sounds nuts but that's tren for ya. Anyways my mother had happened to stumble across my next cycle I had...