#testicular atrophy

  1. Jackripper

    Gonadorelin & Testicular Atrophy

    I’ve been on TRT for two years and am wrapping up a cycle of Test/NPP this week. I noticed that my balls have atrophied quite a bit and I’d like the boys to regain some volume. May TRT clinic prescribed 50 mg of gonadorelin twice weekly for 8 weeks to restore the boys to their former size. The...
  2. guyzcool

    Hcg Protocol

    So I have read the comprehensive guide to pct, and it touches a little on hcg use. I've also been looking around elsewhere for a hcg protocol. Most people say 10 days after last injection (test e), start 500 iu for 10 days. The start the clomid/nolva combo all with the inclusion of exemensten...