Gonadorelin & Testicular Atrophy


New Member
I’ve been on TRT for two years and am wrapping up a cycle of Test/NPP this week. I noticed that my balls have atrophied quite a bit and I’d like the boys to regain some volume. May TRT clinic prescribed 50 mg of gonadorelin twice weekly for 8 weeks to restore the boys to their former size. The doc did say that they’ll never go back to original size but whatever.

Has anybody used gonadorelin for this purpose and if you did, what dose did you use and how long until they came back? I’m looking to see if I can use a higher dose on hopes of faster recovery.
I do plan on cruising on my TRT dose for a while, then cutting again in the spring.
Are you sure you're being prescribed 50 mg gonadorelin twice weekly? This should be administered multiple times a day, to mimic GnRH pulsatility. This usually ranges from 5 to 20 mcg every 90 to 120 minutes. (And this is highly uncommon for this indication.)

50 mg is an enormous dose.