
  1. Bradybomb

    Does t3 at night affect your sleep?

    I’ve heard that taking t3 at night could affect your sleep as thyroid hormone is stimulating in certain environments, however I am not sure if night time environment would apply. Whenever I take more than 25mcg of t3 I split the dosage and I have never noticed a change in sleep. Have any of you?
  2. A

    Low Libido 3+ Years After Test Cycle, On TRT, Help Please!

    Hi guys, first time poster on the Meso RX forums. I’m 26 with a past history of AAS. Superdrol when I was 19, I could buy it OTC. 2 test cycles in 2015, the first of which had 6 weeks superdrol front load along with 4 weeks of Tren from 150mg up to 350mg. I guess I did them too close...
  3. R

    Where should I get T4??

    About to run HGH for 6-8months and I am gonna take some t4 along with it. Where do you guys get your t3 and t4 from online that's cheap and reliable? Some of these websites out of China and India seem sketch to me... Also I am a smaller guy so I was wondering how much t4 I should take daily and...