
  1. O

    Thyroid Lab Changes While bulking

    Hey everyone! Would love some input- My TSH (usually lower reference range) and T4 (usually lower - low mid reference range) are always normative and i have been regularly taking 100mcg t4/day for 1 - 1.5 years. Now, 2 months into a bulk my TSH is quite high (I have never need it over 2) and...
  2. P

    Maintaining Hair on Primo

    Hey guys - wanted to pick your brains on any insight, experience, knowledge about maintaining hair on primo. Some background: Tried primo mid-March for a month and experienced very bad hair loss. Stopped using it. My hair was fine before, but began experiencing lots of breakage, thinning, and...
  3. G

    T3 T4

    Hello everyone. So I had been doing a 6 week cycle with T3 and T4. I worked the dosages like a pyramid. It’s been 3,5 weeks since I stopped and I got my blood checked and the results came that I have low T3 and T4 and normal TSH. Does anyone know if it’s ok that the levels haven’t gotten...
  4. A

    Low Libido 3+ Years After Test Cycle, On TRT, Help Please!

    Hi guys, first time poster on the Meso RX forums. I’m 26 with a past history of AAS. Superdrol when I was 19, I could buy it OTC. 2 test cycles in 2015, the first of which had 6 weeks superdrol front load along with 4 weeks of Tren from 150mg up to 350mg. I guess I did them too close...
  5. P

    POST SSRI low libido recommendations, PLEASE HELP!

    Hey Gents, This is my first time posting, was wondering if some of you hormone gurus could assist me in shedding light on fixing my low libido /ED predicament. Can someone take a look at my labs below and provide their take or any recommendations they would pursue please? I took...
  6. F

    Zero libido/mood swings/other symp on 34yo male > help with diagnose please (LAB RESULTS attached!)

    Hi all! I live in the UK and reached your forum looking for some answers. I will see an Endocrinologist soon but I don't know how 'conservative' is - so would like to have some opinions beforehand... ME: Male / 34yo / No past-current affections / No STDs / No meds / No supplements / Healthy...