
  1. J

    Sprinter Here

    100 meter sprinter here. 10.8 second PR (a few months back, so a bit faster now), and my goal is to try to walk on at a D1 school next year. Relatively lean at the moment (~12%), but it's definitely been a struggle getting below that. I've been lifting for 4 years (2.5 years ordinary BB...
  2. S

    Steroids Rookie

    Good morning guys So this is the situation, I'm fat and tall, 275lb with 6feet of height I wanna lose more weight, but is going so slow that I'm getting frustrated, I'm doing this because I wanna feel how is be on testo but being so fat won't help me too much I have my testo on the sky...
  3. MisterSuperGod

    How old are you mutha fuckers?

    Just read @Robfromga is pushing 50 and got to wondering about the rest of you bastards. 38 years old here, how about the rest of y'all?
  4. beast117

    New canadian guy

    Hey guys, been lurking on your forums for a little while now and finally got approved. Im a 5ft11, 20 year old male who's been liftinf consistently for around 3 years. Ive trained on and off prior to that but have only been really dedicated for the better part of the last 3 years. I weight...
  5. T

    Anadrol 50 cycle detailed research log

    Prologue Anadrol, also known as oxymetholone, A-Bomb, anabol or many other names is a steroidal compound used to treat osteoporosis. This illegal anabolic drug is going to be used on a healthy 19 years old male with 14 months of lifting experience. During this period, the male has used 25mg of...
  6. G

    Genetics @20yrs old?

    Hey guys, This is my first post here, but I've been reading the forums for about a year and a half. I'm 100% natty and I know I'm way too young to be running gear. I won't be starting until I'm 25 or until I'm more financially secure due to me being a full time student. I don't want to be mid...
  7. T

    How to safely stop a dbol cycle early?

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forum, this is my first post on here as well. Basically I've been body building for years now, I currently weigh 90kg and hit a plateau in making gains, so I made an incredibly ill informed decision to start taking dianabol - when I say Ill informed I mean that I have...