1 year blood work.. How does it look?


New Member
M 38, 6'3", 204lbs, Pinning test c Mon/Thu 0.35/250 (175/week). Diet is clean.

Bloods done on a Monday before pinning.

My first blood showed FT at 164 and TT at 15.4.

I feel good with no symptoms. Any suggestions / recommendations?RDT_20230922_2134395132236511832157935.pngRDT_20230922_213358522652073080184329.png
Looks great mate. From qsc?
Hey thanks for your reply. Test is from Jet Labs. I do want to build some more muscle overall. I'm lifting 5 days a week and doing 45 min of cardio after each lift session. 2 meals a day at 3000 calories total for the day. Lots of water, NAC and multi vitamin. I'm going to increase my vitamin d as recommended. Any other recommendations or additions I could be doing?
Hey thanks for your reply. Test is from Jet Labs. I do want to build some more muscle overall. I'm lifting 5 days a week and doing 45 min of cardio after each lift session. 2 meals a day at 3000 calories total for the day. Lots of water, NAC and multi vitamin. I'm going to increase my vitamin d as recommended. Any other recommendations or additions I could be doing?
Just be sure your recover from that cardio. If you have a still job no problem but if you are already active no need for long cardio. If you stall at gaining weight increase carbs and protein
M 38, 6'3", 204lbs, Pinning test c Mon/Thu 0.35/250 (175/week). Diet is clean.

Bloods done on a Monday before pinning.

My first blood showed FT at 164 and TT at 15.4.

I feel good with no symptoms. Any suggestions / recommendations
I had to plug in your bloodwork, at least for your Testosterone, to figure out the numbers since I'm guessing you're across the pond or up North from the US. I would suggest increasing injection frequency to M/W/F to see if it'll help lowering your E a tad, IIRC it could also potentially help lower your SHBG, maybe increasing your Free T. Personally, I like having HCG in my regiment, regardless of fertility concerns (it just makes me "feel good"), something like ~250-500iu 3x p/w. As stated earlier in the thread, I would definitely look at supplementing with some Vit D and K2 OR eating some hard cheese (Munster, Raclette, Camembert, etc) + getting sunlight exposure...technically both wouldn't hurt. Everything else seems fine.
I had to plug in your bloodwork, at least for your Testosterone, to figure out the numbers since I'm guessing you're across the pond or up North from the US. I would suggest increasing injection frequency to M/W/F to see if it'll help lowering your E a tad, IIRC it could also potentially help lower your SHBG, maybe increasing your Free T. Personally, I like having HCG in my regiment, regardless of fertility concerns (it just makes me "feel good"), something like ~250-500iu 3x p/w. As stated earlier in the thread, I would definitely look at supplementing with some Vit D and K2 OR eating some hard cheese (Munster, Raclette, Camembert, etc) + getting sunlight exposure...technically both wouldn't hurt. Everything else seems fine.
Thank you for your reply and recommendations. You are correct, I am just north of you. I appreciate you taking the time to review my numbers. I will split my frequency to M/W/F as suggested to see if it can lower my E and lower my SHBG. I just ordered some HCG and will include this into my regiment in the coming weeks. You had suggested 250-500iu 3x p/w. I've since increased my D intake and anecdotally feel it has helped my mood overall.

A few more questions please:

1. For HCG, should I start at the lowest dose and titrate up? How will I know if the dose is too low or high?

2. For HCG, do you recommend a low dose ai to be taken with this? I've read it can raise E - is this true?

Thank you again for taking the time to respond and I appreciate your advice.
Thank you for your reply and recommendations. You are correct, I am just north of you. I appreciate you taking the time to review my numbers. I will split my frequency to M/W/F as suggested to see if it can lower my E and lower my SHBG. I just ordered some HCG and will include this into my regiment in the coming weeks. You had suggested 250-500iu 3x p/w. I've since increased my D intake and anecdotally feel it has helped my mood overall.

A few more questions please:

1. For HCG, should I start at the lowest dose and titrate up? How will I know if the dose is too low or high?

2. For HCG, do you recommend a low dose ai to be taken with this? I've read it can raise E - is this true?

Thank you again for taking the time to respond and I appreciate your advice.
1) I would recommend starting @ 250iu 3x p/w, max 500iu 3x p/w, unless you're using it for a fertility protocol. The "feels" test for HCG is if you start having high E2 symptoms, but other than that you shouldn't necessarily "feel" anything other than a potentially better libido and bigger loads.

2) I wouldn't recommend ever taking an AI unless your bloodwork shows you need to take one OR you're 100% positive you're having high E2 symptoms from years of experience with gear (e.g. gyno symptoms, etc) OR you are in tune enough with your body that you know the lowest dosage AI you need to run along with XYZ polypharmacy without crushing your E2.

3) For some people HCG can increase E2, but this is highly individual. My assumption is that most people would not require an AI on only 250iu HCG 3x p/w, but refer to the aforementioned in regards to tolerability.