117 supplement companies and individuals targeted in civil and criminal cases by feds


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Justice Department and Federal Partners Announce Enforcement Actions of Dietary Supplement Cases
Criminal Charges Brought against Bestselling Supplement Manufacturer

Source: http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justi...-enforcement-actions-dietary-supplement-cases

As part of a nationwide sweep, the Department of Justice and its federal partners have pursued civil and criminal cases against more than 100 makers and marketers of dietary supplements. The actions discussed today resulted from a year-long effort, beginning in November 2014, to focus enforcement resources in an area of the dietary supplement market that is causing increasing concern among health officials nationwide. In each case, the department or one of its federal partners allege the sale of supplements that contain ingredients other than those listed on the product label or the sale of products that make health or disease treatment claims that are unsupported by adequate scientific evidence.

Among the cases announced today is a criminal case charging USPlabs LLC and several of its corporate officers. USPlabs was known for its widely popular workout and weight loss supplements, which it sold under names such as Jack3d and OxyElite Pro.

The sweep includes federal court cases in 18 states and was announced today by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division; Deputy Commissioner for Global Regulatory Operations and Policy Howard Sklamberg J.D. of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Acting Deputy Director J. Reilly Dolan of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)’s Bureau of Consumer Protection; Acting Deputy Chief Inspector Gary Barksdale of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS); and Chief Richard Weber of the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) Criminal Investigation (CI) Division. The Department of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) are also participating in the sweep to unveil new tools to increase awareness of the risks unlawful dietary supplements pose to consumers and, in particular, to assist service members targeted by illegitimate athletic performance supplements.

“The Justice Department and its federal partners have joined forces to bringing to justice companies and individuals who profit from products that threaten consumer health,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mizer. “The USPlabs case and others brought as part of this sweep illustrate alarming practices the department found—practices that must be brought to the public’s attention so consumers know the serious health risks of untested products.”

During the period of the sweep, 117 individuals and entities were pursued through criminal and civil enforcement actions. Of these, 89 were the subject of cases filed since November 2014.

Criminal Matters

An 11-count indictment was unsealed earlier today against USPlabs LLC, a Dallas firm, which formerly manufactured highly popular workout and weight loss supplements. The indictment charges USPlabs, S.K. Laboratories Inc., based in Anaheim, California, and their operators with a variety of charges related to the sale of those products. Jacobo Geissler, 39, of University Park, Texas, the CEO of USPlabs; Jonathan Doyle, 37, of Dallas, the president of USPlabs; Matthew Hebert, 37, of Dallas, responsible for product packaging design at USPlabs; Kenneth Miles, 69, of Panama City, Florida, the quality assurance executive in charge of compliance at USPlabs; S.K. Laboratories Inc.; Sitesh Patel, 32, of Irvine, California, the vice president of S.K. Laboratories; and Cyril Willson, 34, of Gretna, Nebraska, a consultant to USPlabs, are charged with various counts associated with the unlawful sale of dietary supplements. Additionally, USPlabs, Geissler, Doyle and Hebert are charged with obstruction of an FDA proceeding and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Four of the defendants were arrested earlier today and the other two will self-surrender. Along with the arrests, FDA and IRS-CI special agents seized assets in dozens of investment accounts, real estate in Texas and a number of luxury and sports cars.

The indictment alleges that USPlabs engaged in a conspiracy to import ingredients from China using false certificates of analysis and false labeling and then lied about the source and nature of those ingredients after it put them in its products. According to the indictment, USPlabs told some of its retailers and wholesalers that it used natural plant extracts in products called Jack3d and OxyElite Pro, when in fact it was using a synthetic stimulant manufactured in a Chinese chemical factory.

The indictment also alleges that the defendants sold some of their products without determining whether they would be safe to use. In fact, as the indictment notes, the defendants knew of studies that linked the products to liver toxicity.

The indictment also alleges that in October 2013, USPlabs and its principals told the FDA that it would stop distribution of OxyElite Pro after the product had been implicated in an outbreak of liver injuries. The indictment alleges that, despite this promise, USPlabs engaged in a surreptitious, all-hands-on-deck effort to sell as much OxyElite Pro as it could as quickly as possible. It was sold at dietary supplement stores across the nation.

“This joint agency effort is a testament to our commitment to protecting consumers from potentially unsafe dietary supplements and products falsely marketed as dietary supplements,” said Deputy Commissioner Sklamberg. “The criminal charges against USPlabs should serve as notice to industry that if products are a threat to public health, the FDA will exercise its full authority under the law to bring justice.”

Today’s criminal charges are among 14 criminal cases prosecuted by the Civil Division’s Consumer Protection Branch and U.S. Attorney’s Offices across the country from November 2014 to November 2015. See this chart. Of the 14 criminal cases prosecuted during this timeframe, 11 cases against 29 individuals and entities have been filed since November 2014.

The charges and allegations in the indictments are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Civil Cases

The Department of Justice also filed in the past week five civil cases seeking injunctive relief against a number of businesses and individuals that allegedly sold supplements as disease cures or that were otherwise in violation of the law. These matters, investigated by USPIS and the FDA, include the following:

  • United States v. Clifford Woods LLC, doing business as Vibrant Life,and Clifford Woods. A complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, alleges that the defendants unlawfully sold Taheebo Life Tea, Life Glow Plus, Germanium and Organic Sulfur (identified as methyl sulfonyl methane) as treatments for various diseases including Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. The complaint alleges that the defendants’ conduct defrauded consumers through the sale of unapproved new and misbranded drugs.
  • United States v. James R. Hill, doing business as Viruxo. A complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, alleges that the defendants unlawfully sold a dietary supplement called Viruxo as a treatment for herpes. The complaint alleges that the defendants’ conduct defrauded consumers through the sale of unapproved new and misbranded drugs.
  • United States v. Lehan Enterprises, Inc., doing business as Optimum Health,and Lesa Sverid. A complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, alleges that the defendants unlawfully sold products called DMSO Cream, DMSO Cream with Aloe and DMSO Roll On as treatments for conditions and diseases including arthritis and cancer. The complaint alleges that defendants sold unapproved new and misbranded drugs.
  • United States v. Bethel Nutritional Consulting, Felix Ramirez, and Kariny Ramirez. A complaint, filed in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, alleges that the defendants distribute dietary supplements in a manner that does not conform to current good manufacturing practice for dietary supplements and that they are making claims about the uses for many of the products that render them unapproved and misbranded drugs. Furthermore, FDA testing has revealed that some of defendants’ products contain active pharmaceutical ingredients that are not listed on the products’ labels, including one ingredient that was withdrawn from the market in 2010 because of safety concerns. The defendants in this matter have agreed to be bound by a consent decree of permanent injunction banning them from selling dietary supplements until they come into compliance with the law.
  • United States v. VivaCeuticals, Inc., doing business as Regeneca Worldwide, and Matthew Nicosia. A complaint filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California alleges that dietary supplements sold by the defendants are adulterated because they are not manufactured in accordance with the FDA’s current good manufacturing practice regulations. One of the dietary supplements, a product called RegeneSlim Appetite Control (RegeneSlim), contains the ingredient 1, 3 dimethylamylamine (DMAA), an unsafe food additive under the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, but does not declare DMAA as an ingredient. In addition, the defendants market RegeneSlim to be used as a disease cure.
“Postal Inspectors have a long history of effectively enforcing the mail fraud statute to halt snake oil salesmen and medical quacks from using the mails to purvey their wares upon unsuspecting citizens,” said Acting Deputy Chief Postal Inspector Barksdale. “We look at these latest misrepresentations and frauds as ‘old wine in a new bottle.’ Working with our law enforcement and regulatory partners, we hope to protect American consumers by keeping these scams ‘bottled up’.”

Civil actions brought by the FTC as part of the sweep to combat unsubstantiated supplement claims include the following:

  • Sunrise Nutraceuticals, LLC. According to the FTC’s complaint, Sunrise, based in Boca Raton, Florida, deceptively claims that its dietary supplement Elimidrol, a “proprietary blend” of herbs and other compounds, alleviates opiate withdrawal symptoms and increases a user’s likelihood of overcoming opiate addiction. The FTC’s complaint alleges, however, that Sunrise’s ads for Elimidrol are deceptive because they are false or unsubstantiated.
  • Health Nutrition Products. The FTC’s complaint charged Crystal Ewing, five other individuals and five companies with making false and misleading health and efficacy claims in direct mail ads and on a website owned by Ewing. In ads for W8-B-Gone, CITRI-SLIM 4 and Quick & Easy diet pills, the defendants featured bogus weight-loss experts. Citing fake scientific studies, the defendants also deceptively claimed to have clinical proof that consumers would experience a “RAPID FAT meltdown diet program” that lets them shed five pounds in four days with one pill, or up to 20 pounds in 16 days with four pills. The proposed court orders announced today will settle the FTC’s charges against three defendants involved in the scheme. The order against repeat offender Ewing and her company Classic Productions LLC requires them to admit liability in the case, bans them from selling weight-loss programs, products and services, and imposes a non-suspended judgment of $2.7 million.
  • NPB Advertising, Inc. According to the FTC’s complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida’s Tampa Division, Florida-based NPB and others capitalized on the green coffee bean diet fad by using false weight-loss claims and fake news websites to market a dietary supplement called Pure Green Coffee. The proposed court order announced today settles the FTC’s charges, bars the defendants from the deceptive acts and practices described in the complaint and imposes a $30 million judgment that will be suspended upon the sale of certain assets, payment of $160,800, and the collection and turnover of an additional $155,760 that was lent to a third party.
“People looking for a dietary supplement to improve their health have to wade through a swamp of misleading ads,” said Director Jessica Rich of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “Be skeptical of ads for supplements that claim to cure diseases, reverse the signs of aging or cause weight loss without diet or exercise.”

Today’s cases are among 25 civil actions pursued by the Civil Division’s Consumer Protection Branch, U.S. Attorney’s Offices and the FTC from November 2014 to November 2015. Of the 25 actions, 22 civil cases against 60 individuals and entities have been filed since November 2014. To date, courts have entered judicial orders in 11 cases, requiring dietary supplement makers to change their business practices to ensure that they are selling their products in compliance with the law.

Educational materials

As part of today’s sweep, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences’ Consortium for Health and Military Performance partnered, through its Human Performance Resource Center (HPRC), with the USADA to develop educational resources for service members to protect them from risky dietary supplements. Through this partnership, the organizations will jointly launch an online interactive educational module called “Get the Scoop on Supplements: Realize, Recognize, and Reduce Your Risk.” Also launching today are two mobile applications: the HPRC’s Operation Supplement Safety (OPSS) High-Risk Supplement List mobile application for Service members and USADA’s Supplement 411 mobile application for athletes (both accessible via the Google Play and Apple App stores and available to the general public).

These educational products will augment the important information available on USADA’s Supplement411.org [external link]website and the OPSS website [external link], including the OPSS High-Risk Supplement List which was launched in February 2015. To access more information available to service members, consult the OPSS website and a recently released video at http://hprc-online.org/blog/decoding-the-dietary-supplement-industry [external link]. To access the educational resources USADA provides for athletes and general consumers to help realize, recognize and reduce the risks associated with using supplement products visit USADA’s website http://www.supplement411.org[external link].

“Ensuring readiness of the force is one of the Department of Defense’s top goals,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Dr. Dave Smith of DoD’s Military Health System. “Unsafe dietary supplements are a threat to readiness in DoD.”

“A combined effort like this is vitally important to protecting the health and safety of athletes at every level,” said USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart. “We work to educate athletes on the risks associated with choosing to use supplements, and we will continue to support further action at a national level to prevent dangerous substances and products from being allowed in the marketplace where they can easily be attained by unsuspecting athletes and other consumers.”

To promote today’s joint sweep, the FTC created an infographic to help consumers understand the range of dietary supplement products and claims, the potential risks of taking supplements and questions to ask a health professional before taking any supplements. The FTC also published blogs for consumers andhttps://ftc.gov/news-events/blogs/business-blog/2015/11/law-enforcement-sweep-challenges-dietary-supplement-claims, and has articles and videos with more information at ftc.gov/dietary supplements.

The FDA continues to warn consumers about the risks associated with some over-the-counter products, falsely marketed as dietary supplements, which contain hidden active ingredients that could be harmful. In the last year, the agency has warned of more than 100 products found to contain hidden active ingredients. These products are most frequently marketed for sexual enhancement, weight loss and body building.

Within the last year, the FDA also sent warning letters to manufacturers selling dietary supplements that containhttp://www.fda.gov/Food/DietarySupplements/QADietarySupplements/ucm443790.htm andhttp://www.fda.gov/Food/DietarySupplements/QADietarySupplements/ucm444719.htm, two ingredients that do not meet the statutory definition of a dietary ingredient as well as to several companies sellinghttp://www.fda.gov/Food/DietarySupplements/QADietarySupplements/ucm460095.htmproducts that the agency determined to be dangerous and present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury to consumers.

Civil Division
Consumer Protection
Download Bethel Nutritional complaint (1.9 MB)
Download optimum complaint - filed (552.09 KB)
Download vibrant life complaint - filed (79.41 KB)
Download Viruxo filed complaint (676.94 KB)
Download Vivaceuticals Inc Complaint (112.27 KB)
Download Supplement Sweep Chart to release_2015-11-12_updated (29.19 KB)
Download USP Labs indictment_with redactions final (2.74 MB)


Interesting. I am getting ready beta testing usplabs new preworkout. It should arrive any day. I wonder what's really in it
Interesting. I am getting ready beta testing usplabs new preworkout. It should arrive any day. I wonder what's really in it
Probably what they say is in it.

The news media usually doesn't understand these cases and misreport the facts. It often suggests that there are "hidden" ingredients that are not listed on the label. This is not always true. In these cases (when the feds accuse the companies of "misbranding drugs"), it means that they are selling illegal drugs masquerading as legal supplements.

For example, most of the supplement companies that have been accused of selling "misbranded" prohormones haven't been hiding the fact at all. The synthetic steroid ingredients were listed directly on the label. Consumers knew exactly what was in them.
Did you ever wonder how much DMAA was sold by USPlabs? The feds said its revenue from that single product alone was $400 million over a 5 year period between October 2008 and October 2013.

Can you imagine a criminal forfeiture approaching half a billion dollars for a supplement company?
Did you ever wonder how much DMAA was sold by USPlabs? The feds said its revenue from that single product alone was $400 million over a 5 year period between October 2008 and October 2013.

Can you imagine a criminal forfeiture approaching half a billion dollars for a supplement company?

The more and more I read about this, the less and less I want anything to do with these companies especially usplabs. Don't get me wrong, I am not a saint, but I try to be as honest as possible and try to treat others as I want to be treated. I try to surround myself with other like minded folks
Interesting. I am getting ready beta testing usplabs new preworkout. It should arrive any day. I wonder what's really in it
Probably what they say is in it.
I retract my previous statement in regards to USPlabs after reading the entire indictment. It purposely lied about the ingredients in many of their products.
  1. 1st lie: USPlabs and its executives lied -- (a) to consumers, (b) to retailers, (c) to the court under oath, and (d) to the Department of Defense -- about the source of the DMAA in OxyElite Pro "Original Formula" (intentional misbranding). Instead of coming from the extract of geranium flower powder per label claim, the DMAA was synthetically manufactured by a Chinese chemical company. The CoA certificates were falsified to perpetuate this lie.The lies notwithstanding, consumers still received what they expected in terms of active ingredient (DMAA).
  2. 2nd lie: USPlabs lied about the source of "aegeline" in OxyElite Pro "New Formula". Instead of coming from the extract of critrus fruit tree Bael, the aegeline was synthetically manufactured (intentional misbranding).
  3. 3rd lie: USPlabs lied about the ingredients in OxyElite Pro "Advanced Formula". Instead of containing cynanchum auriculatum root EXTRACT, it contained the far less potent cyaanchum auriculatum root POWDER (intentional misbranding).
The government's case is completely bypassing the issue of whether or not any of the ingredients e.g. DMAA, aegeline, were naturally occurring.
Ouch is correct. Even some UGLs have more morals and operate more ethnically with respect to what they are selling

Not to minimize the significance of the allegations, most consumers didn't care that they receive synthetic DMAA instead of a DMAA-containing extract. It was most likely more potent and predictable and exactly what consumers seeking a strong stimulant were seeking.

For example, everyone I know preferred 25mg ephedrine hydrochloride to ephedra extract standardized to equivalent of 25mg ephedrine alkaloids. I doubt any consumers really prefer extracts over synthetic equivalents.

The "lying" by USPlabs was apparently done primarily to bypass some inconvenient legal and regulatory issues.

Let me add a couple of more lies from the indictment...
  • Lie #4 - USPlabs allegedly lied to the FDA when it said it would stop selling OxyElite Pro due to the numerous reports of severe liver injury and related hospitalizations linked to its product. Instead, it directed all of its employees to engage “surreptitious, all-hands-on-deck effort to sell as much OxyElite Pro as it could as quickly as possible”.
  • Lie #5 - USPlabs allegedly transferred tens of millions of dollars through various unrelated shell companies to deceive and hide the assets from potential victims who sustained severe liver injury.
Not to minimize the significance of the allegations, most consumers didn't care that they receive synthetic DMAA instead of a DMAA-containing extract. It was most likely more potent and predictable and exactly what consumers seeking a strong stimulant were seeking.

For example, everyone I know preferred 25mg ephedrine hydrochloride to ephedra extract standardized to equivalent of 25mg ephedrine alkaloids. I doubt any consumers really prefer extracts over synthetic equivalents.

The "lying" by USPlabs was apparently done primarily to bypass some inconvenient legal and regulatory issues.

Let me add a couple of more lies from the indictment...
  • Lie #4 - USPlabs allegedly lied to the FDA when it said it would stop selling OxyElite Pro due to the numerous reports of severe liver injury and related hospitalizations linked to its product. Instead, it directed all of its employees to engage “surreptitious, all-hands-on-deck effort to sell as much OxyElite Pro as it could as quickly as possible”.
  • Lie #5 - USPlabs allegedly transferred tens of millions of dollars through various unrelated shell companies to deceive and hide the assets from potential victims who sustained severe liver injury.

Do you think they will be selling supplements 1 year from now?

Craze preworkout fiasco didn't shut DS down.
Do you think they will be selling supplements 1 year from now?

Probably. DMAA likely built a company big enough to survive.

Hi-Tech CEO Jared Wheat made millions while sitting in prison as his company continued. It could be the same story for the USPlabs guys.
Probably. DMAA likely built a company big enough to survive.

Hi-Tech CEO Jared Wheat made millions while sitting in prison as his company continued. It could be the same story for the USPlabs guys.
Honestly I don't trust any supplement companies. Maybe I'm wrong but I believe that 99% of the supplements out there don't do enough to warrant the price tag with the exception of creatine or don't do anything period. I'll get more bang for my buck from AAS. I don't spend my money on supplements. I'll spend it on food and gear.

View: https://twitter.com/NDTXnews/status/1362896815360798722?s=20

A federal court in Texas sentenced a former dietary supplement company executive to prison for his role in fraudulently selling popular workout supplements, the Justice Department announced today.

On Feb. 19, 2021, U.S. District Judge Sam A. Lindsay sentenced former S.K. Laboratories Vice President Sitesh Patel, 37, of Irvine, California, to 41 months’ imprisonment and one year of supervised release. The court previously ordered Patel’s former company, S.K. Laboratories, to forfeit $6 million in connection with the case.

According to documents filed in the case, Patel played a key role in developing and manufacturing the popular workout and weight loss supplements known as Jack3d and OxyElite Pro, which were distributed by Dallas-based USPlabs. In pleading guilty in 2019 to conspiracy to introduce misbranded food into interstate commerce, Patel and several of his co-defendants admitted that they imported substances with false and misleading labeling to avoid law enforcement and regulatory agency attention.

Patel also pleaded guilty to introduction of misbranded food into interstate commerce. The misbranding charges relate in part to OxyElite Pro, which was recalled in 2013 in the wake of an investigation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into whether the supplement caused liver injuries in consumers. An indictment returned by a Dallas federal grand jury in 2015 against Patel and four other individuals associated with USPlabs alleged that the defendants sold some of their products without determining whether they would be safe to use.
On Feb. 19, 2021, U.S. District Judge Sam A. Lindsay sentenced former S.K. Laboratories Vice President Sitesh Patel, 37, of Irvine, California, to 41 months’ imprisonment and one year of supervised release. The court previously ordered Patel’s former company, S.K. Laboratories, to forfeit $6 million in connection with the case.
This a lot of prison time for players in the "dietary supplement industry":

"S.K. Laboratories Vice President Sitesh Patel, 37, of Irvine, California, to 41 months’ imprisonment and one year of supervised release"

"The court previously sentenced Jacobo Geissler, 44, of University Park, Texas, the CEO of USPlabs, to 60 months’ imprisonment, and Jonathan Doyle, 41, of Dallas, the president of USPlabs, to 24 months’ imprisonment for their roles in the fraud. The court also sentenced defendants Cyril Willson, 40, of Ralston, Nebraska, a former consultant for USPlabs, and Matthew Hebert, 42, of Dallas, a co-owner of the company, to 18 months’ and 15 months’ imprisonment, respectively. In addition, USPlabs was ordered to pay $4.7 million in criminal forfeiture."
As a stim junkie I've taken a bunch of shit for pre workouts c4, assassin, total war, ephedra extract etc, I still got 2 jars of the pre workout Dark Energy and honestly it's complete shit. Ephedrine HCL absolutely shits on DMAA and I warn you DO NO TAKE THEM TOGETHER. I think it's best people should make their own pre workout supplements Screenshot (521).png

there's my shit along with caffeine 200mg-400mg and ephedrine HCL kaizen. best pre workout i've taken. At least 6gs of L citrulline, never again will I buy a pre made pre workout.
