12 we Test E and Dbol PCT


New Member
12 weeks of Test E at 500mg a week
First 6 weeks dbol at 40mg a day
Gonna start pct 2 weeks after last pin
Running nolva 40/40/20/20
Running clomid 100/100/50/50
All I would like to know is if these dosages are correct for my cycle
Btw this is my first cycle and I’m 19.
Your clomid dosage is way too high.

You trying to gain 60 pounds?

That's a hell of a cycle and just to let you know; yu will get gyno and chest deformity because you are using highly estrogenic compounds. You will get the saggy chest WITHOUT A DOUBT.
I would really reconsider running anything at your current age!

Are you trying to compete? What's your current height and weight?

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Your clomid dosage is way too high.

You trying to gain 60 pounds?

That's a hell of a cycle and just to let you know; yu will get gyno and chest deformity because you are using highly estrogenic compounds. You will get the saggy chest WITHOUT A DOUBT.
So should I drop the dosage to 50/50/25/25 and no worries about the boobs used aromasin and no gyno
I would really reconsider running anything at your current age!

Are you trying to compete? What's your current height and weight?

Yes I’m looking to compete in the future I wanna eventually get my pro card. 5’9” or 5’10” and 200lbs
Yes I’m looking to compete in the future I wanna eventually get my pro card. 5’9” or 5’10” and 200lbs
Post some pics up and let's see where you are at naturally.

I don't every condone using at your age... BUT, I know plenty of teens that have done well and are running gear(it's the name of the game). I would rather educate you to do it right than the alternative. I mean possibly damaging yourself for a pipe dream is not good.

I would really consider getting a coach that's knowledgeable about all factors and stick with em. If you need a couple names I can send you some.

Post some pics up and let's see where you are at naturally.

I don't every condone using at your age... BUT, I know plenty of teens that have done well and are running gear(it's the name of the game). I would rather educate you to do it right than the alternative. I mean possibly damaging yourself for a pipe dream is not good.

I would really consider getting a coach that's knowledgeable about all factors and stick with em. If you need a couple names I can send you some.

He's it natural anymore man he started a cycle a month or so ago I think

Edit: claims he's on his second cycle
He's it natural anymore man he started a cycle a month or so ago I think

Edit: claims he's on his second cycle
Well there goes that!!! Still like to critique his physique if he's talking "pro" card.

Thanks for pointing it out.

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Post some pics up and let's see where you are at naturally.

I don't every condone using at your age... BUT, I know plenty of teens that have done well and are running gear(it's the name of the game). I would rather educate you to do it right than the alternative. I mean possibly damaging yourself for a pipe dream is not good.

I would really consider getting a coach that's knowledgeable about all factors and stick with em. If you need a couple names I can send you some.

These are the best pictures I have right now can take better ones when I’m off work and saw someone say im on second cycle which is correct but first one was anadrol for a month and I lost everything because I wasn’t smart about it. These are after my first cycle I started pct 2 days ago.
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These are the best pictures I have right now can take better ones when I’m off work and saw someone say im on second cycle which is correct but first one was anadrol for a month and I lost everything because I wasn’t smart about it. These are after my first cycle I started pct 2 days ago.
How lean can you come into a show? Have you competed yet? Or wanting to your first show this year? Give me some feedback.

What are you taking now for PCT. Did you drop the clomid and nolva dose?

How lean can you come into a show? Have you competed yet? Or wanting to your first show this year? Give me some feedback.

What are you taking now for PCT. Did you drop the clomid and nolva dose?

I have no problems getting lean it’s pretty easy for me luckily and haven’t competed but past 6 months been working on routines and posing. PCT is 40mg a day for the first 2 weeks of nolva then last 2 weeks at 20mg
Clomid I’m doing 50mg first 2 weeks and 25mg last 2 weeks
When are you wanting to do your first show?

I would personally drop the nolva to 20mg along with 50mg Clomid now. Did you run any hcg? Did you start PCY 2 or 3 weeks after last pin?

When are you wanting to do your first show?

I would personally drop the nolva to 20mg along with 50mg Clomid now. Did you run any hcg? Did you start PCY 2 or 3 weeks after last pin?

I’d like to get another cycle done and try to do one in October or November. Didn’t run any hcg and started it 2 weeks after
I’d like to get another cycle done and try to do one in October or November. Didn’t run any hcg and started it 2 weeks after
I hope you recover. I think you started a week early. I would extend another week of PCT perhaps?
