12 week transformation


New Member
Hello Everyone,

This is over a period of 12 weeks.
My cycle consists of

Tren a
Test e
Mast p

Would love some feedback. Thank you.


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That’s awesome! I think people would benefit from you discussing your eating and training during those 12 weeks more than what compounds you took. There are people who don’t make a transition like this after years being on gear. I believe proper eating and training is what they’re missing.
That’s awesome! I think people would benefit from you discussing your eating and training during those 12 weeks. There are people who don’t make a transition like this after years being on gear. I believe proper eating and training is what they’re missing.
Thank you so much. Sure if you just search my name I’ve posted a video of my diet with calories and details etc. I do push pull legs, no days off. 1 hour of stair master every day
Thank you so much. Sure if you just search my name I’ve posted a video of my diet with calories and details etc. I do push pull legs, no days off. 1 hour of stair master every day
That’s great you shared it all. I’ll definitely check it out and I hope others do as well
That’s awesome! I think people would benefit from you discussing your eating and training during those 12 weeks more than what compounds you took. There are people who don’t make a transition like this after years being on gear. I believe proper eating and training is what they’re missing.
I believe what this guy says it so true. diet and training is where it starts. nice job thats great progress especially for 12 weeks.