All Steroid Charges Against Hidetada Yamagishi Dismissed


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Flex Online reports that all felony and misdemeanor steroid and controlled substance charges against Hidetada Yamagishi were dismissed. He pleaded no contest to one misdemeanor count of possession of Viagra without a prescription. This is the best possible outcome for Hide according to his attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley. Now he faces immigration court and still risks being deported to Japan. "I met with Mr. Lynch who is the [...]

wow, that's an understanding judge.... with all that's went down and all. He just won the judicial lottery.
He got off lucky.

Unfortunately, he still has to go through immigration court before he's released from custody. He may still be deported to Japan. He has an O-1 visa; I don't know what company is sponsoring him for his visa? Weider pubs?