House Television Series and Roid Rage


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House, M.D., the medical television drama, discussed roid rage as a side effect of steroids last night in an episode entitled No More Mr. Nice Guy. The House medical team attributed the roid rage to the catabolic steroid prednisone. Roid rage is not a medical term, but a term arising from popular culture. Roid rage is [...]

Riod Rage is just an excuse for an ass hole to be a bigger as hole. Roid Rage is just a slag term for a muscular guy who has a bad day. Every body has bad days, we just get labeled.
Riod Rage is just an excuse for an ass hole to be a bigger as hole. Roid Rage is just a slag term for a muscular guy who has a bad day. Every body has bad days, we just get labeled.

There are a million fights a day, and if one of them involves a BB'er its because of the roids. LMAO![:o)]
When I read that I got so enraged that I threw my TV through the window :rolleyes:..........[:o)]

Man that's aggervating I hate that ignorate statement roid rage. It reminds me of the thirties when Marijuana madness had people believeing that if you smoke weed you go nuts and kill people. It's amazing what a misconception can do when media and television start playing it up.
Heed HDH's advice, throw that TV out a fucking window.

I hate that show, I mean I hate ALL television, but that's one of the shows that irks me. Wife is a slave to that trash...

Roid Rage is to Steroids as Lard Ass is to Fat People. A derogatory term for a point in time when a person lost control and happened to be using steroids. Sure they make you a bit more aggressive but that shouldn't keep you from controlling yourself - it should just force you to control yourself more.

I'm a moody sob.. I'll let you guys know how it goes this week.. I think I may stick myself tonight or tomorrow..
Refer madness type propaganda . They try to blame gear for alot of things . One guys does something while on the juice and it is the gears fault . They don't mention the 1000's of peeps that have done the same thing while not on gear . They have to make juice look bad so they can spend millions of tax $'s to clean it up . Pisses me off .

