Anabolic Steroids and Roid Rage in Bigger Stronger Faster Documentary


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A scene examining anabolic steroids and roid rage that was deleted from the steroid documentary Bigger Stronger Faster* has been posted on Youtube. Roid rage is addressed by various experts including Rick Collins, William Llewellyn, John Romano and Harrison Pope. The number of interesting clips about steroids that were deleted from the final production of Bigger [...]

Is it just me or does it seems like every scene in this documentary that contradicts popular beliefs or breaks the ads in magazine (ie Pro BB do not take roids, they take high end NATURAL products) end up being cut out of the movie? I mean, roid rage is a huge issue. I fail to see why they would remove it from the original release besides the obvious "steroids are bad" mentality.
Is it just me or does it seems like every scene in this documentary that contradicts popular beliefs or breaks the ads in magazine (ie Pro BB do not take roids, they take high end NATURAL products) end up being cut out of the movie? I mean, roid rage is a huge issue. I fail to see why they would remove it from the original release besides the obvious "steroids are bad" mentality.

I think they had so much "good" material that much of it ended up on the cutting room floor. Once you see the movie, you'll realize that most of the scenes in the final cut are 'as good' or better than the deleted scenes.