Autopsy Revealed David Jacobs Used Testosterone and Deca Durabolin


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Jason Trahan of the Dallas Morning News contacted me today with the autopsy and toxicology results for convicted steroid dealer David Jacobs. The report revealed that David Jacobs was using Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) and Testosterone when he committed the murder-suicide. This was not a major surprise since authorities discovered a significant quantity of anabolic steroids at his home after he killed himself [...]

Ok, first it's no surprise that DJ used AAS. He had such a nice supply, why wouldn't he?

I'm a little surprised that there was no evidence of any types of depressants or painkillers in his system. Seriously, if you're gonna kill yourself and your girlfriend you would have to be a little depressed, right? Given the absence of painkilers and alcohol, I'm a little skeptical of the suicide conclusion.

I really have trouble with the conlcusion that he shot himself in the head and in the stomach. Not that suicide is supposed to make sense, but this doesn't make sense. If I were gonna kill myself, I would try to make it as quick and painless as possible and I don't think I would require 2 bullets.(suppose I could be wrong)

Doesn't make sense. This looks like a situation where someone killed a snitch. I don't like snitches so if that's what happened, ok by me. But I do wish we could call it what it is. But it looks alot more like a double murder than a murder-suicide. And the fact that steroids were present is irrelevant.