Cops Sued for Roid Rage After Tasering Senior Citizen Suffering Chest Pains


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Robert Pfeffer, a 64-year old man, has sued two deputies allegedly exhibiting “roid rage” during an incident where one of the deputies tasered him. Deputy John Eaton, with the Lee County Sherriff’s Office, “escorted” Pfeffer to the ground and tasered him while Pfeffer was walking away from an ambulance. The EMS ambulance was requested by [...]

Lmao that's rich...on a side note the taser might have kept the old guy alive. [:o)]

Apparently cops chasing down an old man with heart defibrillator with chest pains only to tackle and taser him isn't a big deal...

But should the cops use steroids, then it is a terrible crime!

Reminds me of an editorial calling for the steroid testing of cops who have domestic violence complaints on their records so they could get rid of bad cops.

The editorial made it sound like it wasn't so bad to beat your wife and a cop would never be fired over such a matter. But if they used steroids, that was the necessary evil to get rid of them.
its rediculous ... i have a hard time beleiving in the concept of roid rage... most of the time i feel pretty damn good on gear - especially test and deca or even EQ ... Tren makes me feel somewhat aggressive, but never angry ... im not denying the existence of rage ... but i dnt think roids cause people to become angry - angry ppl who use roids and cant control themselves just make for a bad rep ....

its no different than drinking, could we not say that alcohol causes violent behaviour .... based on the fact that there is recorded evidence of ppl fighting who were under the influence of alcohol ....

I love how people who have never used steroids, and only know of them via secondary sources of information have the balls to make the accusations they do ...

and its sadly true ... the act of tackling a man, especially an elderly man with a heart condition isnt that big of a deal - unless of course, roid rage is involved, its rediculous ...